As a very young person, I am going to see the “changes” more then anyone else probably. As we all know as the years pass by, more, and more people lose the faith. And even more “don’t really care”. I’m not saying I’m God’s special saint sent down from heaven, but you can tell this with modern media.
What will the future of Western Religion be? By 2050, when I am the old man; what will it be like? Will I be looking back saying, "I wish it was like back in the good ol' days". Even though most of you people are thinking that now? What will happen to our children? Will the continue that chain of thought? If so when will it reach its climax. When people "forget" about religion, and everyone worships science.
I guess its natural to believe that Christ would protect the church in basic, but then still, how bad will it get before it stops? Will it ever stop? In some churches in modern day you go there, and watch a pre-programed, "movie". This is there idea of Church?
Like I said I don't want to pretend that I am a saint, because I'm not.