Please finish this fictional gospel account with how you think Jesus might have responded were this a real situation. This is not so much for fun as to really try to understand how Jesus might act towards those not of the “Judeo-Christian” faith:
**151 And then it came to pass that Jesus with the twelve entered unto the Greek city of Pella. The apostle James went in search for lodging as Jesus and the remaining apostles roamed the streets. 2 Jesus and the others stopped at the market, purchased wine, fish, bread and figs, and stored them away for the evening meal. James then ran into the market. 3 James spoke of two men, neither Jew nor Greek, who were from lands far away, and who claimed to be niether Roman, Greek nor Scythian. James told Jesus and the twelve about stories of multiple gods and physical rebirth after death and other nonsense. James spoke of the devilry in that they refused to acknowledge the God of Israel. 5 Jesus looked at James and said unto him, “Bring me before these men, that I may speak with them.” 6 And so James led Jesus along with two apostles, Peter and Bartholemew, towards the inn where James had seen the two men. 7 Before reaching the inn, and while yet on the road, Jesus and the accompanying apostles came upon the two foreigners. The two were on the ground and placing ointments and balms upon the wounds of an old man attacked by thieves. 8 Jesus and the three apostles, along with a large crowd of people, surrounded the the two foreigners and the old man. 9 The two men, unaware of the growing crowd, lifted their arms up to heaven and mumbled aloud strange prayers to false gods. Jesus then turned to the crowd and to the apostles. 10 He pointed one hand to the two foreigners and another hand to heaven and said unto the crowd concerning the two men, …11 …12…13…14…15 **
**(complete verses 10-15) **
**151 And then it came to pass that Jesus with the twelve entered unto the Greek city of Pella. The apostle James went in search for lodging as Jesus and the remaining apostles roamed the streets. 2 Jesus and the others stopped at the market, purchased wine, fish, bread and figs, and stored them away for the evening meal. James then ran into the market. 3 James spoke of two men, neither Jew nor Greek, who were from lands far away, and who claimed to be niether Roman, Greek nor Scythian. James told Jesus and the twelve about stories of multiple gods and physical rebirth after death and other nonsense. James spoke of the devilry in that they refused to acknowledge the God of Israel. 5 Jesus looked at James and said unto him, “Bring me before these men, that I may speak with them.” 6 And so James led Jesus along with two apostles, Peter and Bartholemew, towards the inn where James had seen the two men. 7 Before reaching the inn, and while yet on the road, Jesus and the accompanying apostles came upon the two foreigners. The two were on the ground and placing ointments and balms upon the wounds of an old man attacked by thieves. 8 Jesus and the three apostles, along with a large crowd of people, surrounded the the two foreigners and the old man. 9 The two men, unaware of the growing crowd, lifted their arms up to heaven and mumbled aloud strange prayers to false gods. Jesus then turned to the crowd and to the apostles. 10 He pointed one hand to the two foreigners and another hand to heaven and said unto the crowd concerning the two men, …11 …12…13…14…15 **
**(complete verses 10-15) **
- (Gospel of Ishtar 15.1-15)