I mainly lurk the sites and enjoy them immensely since my husband and I have differing views about Catholicism. We are both cradle Catholics, but he has gone a more Protestant route through his college years and beyond.
The Gospel According to ROme is written by an ex-Catholic by the name of Mcarthy. I was wondering if anyone could comment on this book and shed some insight to his point of view , etc. that would help me navigate the book with my husband. It is a book speaking against the Catholic faith and I am bewildred about what he says, etc. To be frank, it confuses me. I think the main question is…in regards to tradition vs. scripture…what tradition was handed down by the Council of Trent in the 1500’s that could speak more clearly on why Catholics do what they do. Essentially, the book covers everything since those councils, but are there any books out there that speak about what information -oral tradition and otherwise was included in the COuncil of Trent, that being the first council!!!
I guess I have 2 questions then. ONe being an opinion on the book and its validity according to you, the reader of this post…and the other being if one knows a book that speaks more accurately of the early church and the formation of the Catholic church and the first council, which I believe was the Council of Trent.
I am essentially trying to piece together the early days of Christ’s resurrection and the formation of the various sacraments that have been passed down through time. I know this is a big quest. Where do I start? IT is the only way my husband and I are going to figure this out.
phew! Thanks!
I mainly lurk the sites and enjoy them immensely since my husband and I have differing views about Catholicism. We are both cradle Catholics, but he has gone a more Protestant route through his college years and beyond.
The Gospel According to ROme is written by an ex-Catholic by the name of Mcarthy. I was wondering if anyone could comment on this book and shed some insight to his point of view , etc. that would help me navigate the book with my husband. It is a book speaking against the Catholic faith and I am bewildred about what he says, etc. To be frank, it confuses me. I think the main question is…in regards to tradition vs. scripture…what tradition was handed down by the Council of Trent in the 1500’s that could speak more clearly on why Catholics do what they do. Essentially, the book covers everything since those councils, but are there any books out there that speak about what information -oral tradition and otherwise was included in the COuncil of Trent, that being the first council!!!
I guess I have 2 questions then. ONe being an opinion on the book and its validity according to you, the reader of this post…and the other being if one knows a book that speaks more accurately of the early church and the formation of the Catholic church and the first council, which I believe was the Council of Trent.
I am essentially trying to piece together the early days of Christ’s resurrection and the formation of the various sacraments that have been passed down through time. I know this is a big quest. Where do I start? IT is the only way my husband and I are going to figure this out.
phew! Thanks!