Yup, Crossan is there on the Discovery Channel and History Channel programs, if I remember correctly.
The fact that the gospels are not photodocumentaries as we have come to expect in our cable media is exploited. There was a show about the so-called Gospel of Thomas, the other night. The networks try to exploit every possible commercial angle about Christmas, that’s for sure.
And, there’s more and more coverage of Festivus, too. You can be sure that more holidays will be concocted to compete with Christmas. It’s probably the main target, because of the commercialism surrounding Christmas. But, there will be attacks on “Easter” as well. Perhaps the term has a pagan origin, and maybe we should come up with a better word.
My pet peeve is that “The Last Supper” are words that do not appear in the Bible. Protestants at least call it “The Lord’s Supper” which is the general idea. But, even as our Catechism states, “the last supper” ( actually the title of painting by Da Vinci) was a Passover celebration, and the DEFINITIVE Passover celebration at that. The Catholic Church, of course, does not promote the Jewish Passover, but the Lord’s Passover, which goes under the title of Eucharist. Perhaps “The Lord’s Eucharist” or something like that will catch on in the future, if the Vatican, in particular, takes that matter up, seriously.
Even in the U.S., the Bishops seems to pass by so many opportunities to evangelize with some pinache.