The greatest miracles!

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I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.
The grass , the blue sky , the sun on my face , the two cats I have , my mother , the flowers , the trees , the stars in the sky at night and the list goes on.
Not flashy, not easily understood and easily ignored, His presence in the Eucharist.
The grass , the blue sky , the sun on my face , the two cats I have , my mother , the flowers , the trees , the stars in the sky at night and the list goes on.
They’re not so obvious but the everyday things we tend to take for granted are miraculous. The great philosopher Kant remarked:

“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.” Critique of Practical Reason
What are they?
Why God loves us so much that he sacrifices his own Son for us.

He didn’t save his angels that turned bad, why us? What have we done to deserved his mercy? Time and time again. That is a miracle for a people so unworthy.
Why God loves us so much that he sacrifices his own Son for us.

He didn’t save his angels that turned bad, why us? What have we done to deserved his mercy? Time and time again. That is a miracle for a people so unworthy.
👍 The folly of the Cross! Yet it is precisely the lack of unselfish love that is the cause of most of the needless suffering in the world.
The fact that anything exists is arguably the greatest miracle of all. Why should there be something or some one rather than nothing or no one? It is a mystery we can never hope to understand. What we do know is that existence is the basis of all we hold most precious. That is why it is eminently reasonable to believe in creative Love as the source of life, truth, goodness, freedom, justice and beauty…
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