What would you imagine is the greatest work you can accomplish upon this earth during your limited time, which would carry over into eternity - be ready to greet you on your day of judgement - and carry with such an impact that those who are the recipients of your actions will never forget and never stop asking GOD to grant you favors while you still exist upon the earth?
When you surrender your life, out of love and charity, for the sole benefit and merit of others.
JESUS in HIS Passion and Cross surrendered HIS life for ours.
Mother Teresa demonstrated this to us in her surrender to the poorest of the poor. She never stopped working to the merit of their life, in forgetfullness of her own.
So, what about the average layperson? How do we join the numerous saints in their surrender, and still meet the obligation of our families?
The Souls of Purgatory !
Imagine if you were in purgatory ! And through the prayers, masses, fast, and daily surrender of a layperson, JESUS or Mary came to you and said you are free to enter heaven as your sins have been purged through the sacrifice of (insert our name).
Wouldn’t you spend your time in heaven, asking GOD and Mary to intercede for the person who assisted in purging your sins and freeing you?
In addition to the Holy Mass and the Holy Rosary, there are specific prayers for the release of the souls in purgatory, and if you unemployed, you should be saying these continuously throughout the day, requesting that any souls who are released through the merits of our prayers, petition before the Throne of GOD beggining HIM for HIS Mercy upon you, in your search for employment,
The greatest work on earth for layperson, is the personal release of souls from purgatory. Continuously, daily for the rest of your days.
When you surrender your life, out of love and charity, for the sole benefit and merit of others.
JESUS in HIS Passion and Cross surrendered HIS life for ours.
Mother Teresa demonstrated this to us in her surrender to the poorest of the poor. She never stopped working to the merit of their life, in forgetfullness of her own.
So, what about the average layperson? How do we join the numerous saints in their surrender, and still meet the obligation of our families?
The Souls of Purgatory !
Imagine if you were in purgatory ! And through the prayers, masses, fast, and daily surrender of a layperson, JESUS or Mary came to you and said you are free to enter heaven as your sins have been purged through the sacrifice of (insert our name).
Wouldn’t you spend your time in heaven, asking GOD and Mary to intercede for the person who assisted in purging your sins and freeing you?
In addition to the Holy Mass and the Holy Rosary, there are specific prayers for the release of the souls in purgatory, and if you unemployed, you should be saying these continuously throughout the day, requesting that any souls who are released through the merits of our prayers, petition before the Throne of GOD beggining HIM for HIS Mercy upon you, in your search for employment,
The greatest work on earth for layperson, is the personal release of souls from purgatory. Continuously, daily for the rest of your days.