The Hardest Mystery

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What is the hardest mystery of the Rosary for you to medetate on?
For me it’s the 3rd Luminous Mystery.
It is definetly the hardest to say. I like to meditate on the Sermon on the Mount when I come to the 3rd luminous.

I guess my choice for the hardest would be Finding of Jesus in the Temple.
What is the hardest mystery of the Rosary for you to medetate on?
For me it’s the 3rd Luminous Mystery.
I find this the hardest as well. I meditate on the Beatitudes…especially “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy” …
I also have a difficult time with the Fourth Luminous Mystery - The Transfiguration.
Some of the mysteries are difficult to meditate on. I find that if I can relate the mysteries to my own life, then it is a little easier. For instance, in the 3rd Luminous Mystery…How am I relating to the kingdom that Jesus proclaimed. What am I doing to be the person of Jesus to those around me.

God bless all for their devotion to the Rosary
Deacon Tony
I guess I have trouble meditating on the Transfiguration, too. Another one is the 4th Joyful Mystery, the Presentation in the temple. I wonder why it’s considered a joyful event, when Our Lady receives the disturbing news from Simeon that her heart is going to be pierced with a sword.
Another one is the 4th Joyful Mystery, the Presentation in the temple. I wonder why it’s considered a joyful event, when Our Lady receives the disturbing news from Simeon that her heart is going to be pierced with a sword.
Our Blessed Mother also received affirmation from Simeon and Anna that Jesus is the Messiah. She must have been overwhelmed that these people she didn’t even know had been given the message from God that Jesus is the Savior!

Like most of life, joy is mixed with sorrow in many of the events of the lives of Jesus and Mary.
I think the one I have the hardest time with is the Visitation. But my biggest problem is that I love doing the Glorious Mysteries, so much so that I sometimes neglect doing the other ones in favor of doing the Glorious Mysteries instead. I always feel so uplifted and happy after doing them. I used to have a difficult time with the Crowning of our Mother in Heaven, but she revealed a really neat idea when I was praying it once. I love English History, and I started thinking about Queen Victoria’s coronation. So, I decided to meditate on what different coronations may look like and try to picture our Mother’s coronation in relation to different customs around the world. Thinking about what she might’ve been wearing, what kind of crown she wears, picturing her Son placing the crown on her head and everyong paying homage to her in heaven. When I think about a scene like that, I just can’t help but be in awe and wonder at the majesty of our Mother. Plus, since she’s the Queen of Heaven and I’m her daughter, that makes me a Princess!!

Scout :dancing:
Wannabe convert here. I am confused what ya’ll do here—do you picture the scene while you’re praying, like a tableau or movie scene?
Hi all:
Seeker63: Yes, sometimes. There are about as many different to “pray” the Rosary as there are people. Examples - Naming the Mystery and keeping it in back of the mind - sort of - while continuing with the prayers. Using forms printed in books with meditations on each Mystery. Using tapes and CD’s with meditations AND music with each Mystery. Using a “very long” video like the one put out by Father Corapi that is a full three hour instruction and meditation on the Mysteries AND the Prayers This was before the Mysteries of Light but he has some tapes on them as well. Using the “Secret of the Rosary” meditations by St. Louis De Montfort and I am sure I didn’t even begin the cover the gammit. When in doubt - ask our Lady and your Guardian Angel for some guidance. It NEVER fails. (smile)
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
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