The Hell of Non-imaging God

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New member
I want to air an idea about God (and Mary’s) Love to see if it corresponds to any of the Church’s thinking current and past.

Since God is love, and taking that as a basic axiom of what follows, he is neverfailingly always love to all. And because he is love he loves “goats” as well as “sheep”. But if he loves goats as well as sheep what does it mean to be either, the two lose their distinction if there is indiscriminate love.

As i understand it, in the Jewish idiom the binary of love/hate correspond to preferential love rather than emotional opposites. So to say God loves Jacob and hates Esau is to put it that God has preferential love for Jacob.

What does this mean for sheep and goats is that there is ultimately a division into two categories of human being (shocking in itself!) which corresponds to the two orders of preferential love (preferred and secondary).

In fact hell could be considered in those terms as eternally non-imaging The Son and knowing as much. Because you cannot escape God’s Love a Goat can only be aware of God’s preferred love to his sheep. Hell would be a kind of self-recognition of not resembling a sheep.

I hope what i’ve written makes some sense, if Mary - who magnifies The Lord - expresses love in the manner of God in this fashion, it is definitely preferable to be a sheep rather than a goat.
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