The hidden sayings of jesus?!?!

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What are the so called hidden sayings of jesus that have been covered up and not put into the bible?

Do they just mean gospels that were not put into the bible?
Just the verses that were left out of the bible,i have a few questions about it!

Thats what this forum is all about,ask questions and find the anwers:)
I’m late to go to an appointment, but I didn’t want to not respond.

If this is coming from The DaVinci Code, there are many sources to explain the “hoaxes” in that book.

There are also many sources for the history of the selection of the books in the Bible, and why some were rejected as not-inspired.

I’m hoping someone else here will follow up with actual links for you. I have to run - Have a great day!!!
OK, you got us! What hidden verses? Might you have an example?

The hidden (secret) sayings of Jesus are part of the Gospel of Thomas, which was one of the first heresies. The gnostics claimed that they were the only ones who knew the sayings and therefore were special (saved by knowledge)

Gospel of St Thomas (scroll down)

I think your hidden sayings have to do with the non-canonical gospels (such as the Gospel of Thomas) which were rejected by the Church, lost over the years but rediscovered during the last 100 years +.

Some of these writing seem to have been known by the Fathers and other Christian writers of the Patristic Age, but for one reason weren’t accepted because of the nature of their saying often reflected heretical groups or Christian communities that were on the fringe of orthodox teachings.
What are the so called hidden sayings of jesus that have been covered up and not put into the bible?..
There aren’t any.

There are some gnostic writings and similar stuff that purport to be Jesus words but aren’t. There are also some writings of early Church Fathers that were not included in the New Testament but that the Church considers to be authentic and worthy of study, such as the Didache. These latter may include some quotes attributed to Jesus, even though I can’t think of one off the top of my head. But none of these works are hidden or covered up. You can find copies of them in any good library.
In regards to some of the early writings that were not included in the Bible. They are not "all false"!!! The reason they weren’t included in the New Testament Canon is that they weren’t considered Inspired by God. Although some were blatantly false, as I understand the Gospel of Thomas was, others weren’t.

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