The Holy Father

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Awhile ago my priest told me one of the most important prayers we can say is our morning offering:

Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer You my day – my work, my prayers, my joys and my sufferings – for the intentions of Your Most Sacred Heart; in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of my friends and family, for our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, and for (any special intention here).

It starts our day off right, and makes our entire day an offering for others!
I almost said "No, just when I remember "
But then remembered that in my morning prayer I say “Morning offering, O Jesus…offer them in particular for the Pope’s intention of this month.”
So had to say Yes.
My kids and I pray this prayer everyday:

Dear Lord Jesus I give you my day
All that I do and think and say
Help me to call on you when I am weak
Let it always be your truth I speak
I ask Mother Mary to pray for me
My church, my friends and family
Jesus guide our Holy Father the Pope
and comfort all people who are without hope
For the times we fail
For the times we sin
Send you mercy and grace to cleanse us again
In uniion with all holy masses offered today
This is what I pray
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