There are lots of people coming in here talking about things like the RCC, the ROMAN THIS, ROMAN THAT, ROMANIZING THE EARLY CHURCH, ROMANISM, ROMAN CATHOLICISM, ROMAN ETC, ETC, ETC. I’m here to set the record straight. Unlike some of you, who obviously have no problem with it, I get all in a fluster when people talk about the things listed above in capitols when referring to the entire Catholic Church. Why do I have a hissy fit when people do this? It’s an absolute butchering of terminology and it shows how ignorant they really are of the church when they do this because they fail to acknowledge out of ignorance, or out of inconsideration that the ENTIRE CHURCH is not ROMAN CATHOLIC. Let me give you an explanation on WHY this isn’t so. Christ told the apostles to go teach ALL nations. Naturally, since they were in the middle east and they naturally didn’t stay all bunched up because they needed to go to ALL nations, they split up and went in different places. Peter and Paul, two most well known apostles, went to Rome and were martyred. Other apostels, went south, to areas of Africa. Others went north, and others went East, even so far as to the FAR east to preach the gospel. They all held to the same lord, same faith, same baptism. They didn’t split in any of those areas, though, the only thing that they didn’t have in common was their DEVOTIONS, DISCIPLINES, AND RITUALS. They did things differently, but they never changed their faith. From the word RITUAL, we get the word RITE. Rite can mean one of two things, it can mean
ONE- a ritual itself
TWO-a group or branch of ways of practicing certain rituals
As the faith spread, even though the faith didn’t change, people’s ways of doing things, mostly depending on their culture, were different. As a result, we find many different rites who are all in communion with the Pope and the rest of the church, though, they have different rubrics for the mass, different ways to give blessings, different devotions, different disciplinary acts. For an example, even though there are some latin rite Catholic priests, who marry, marriage for eastern rite Catholic priests is the NORM.
Don’t make any mistakes in believing that for this reason the church isn’t one, it is one. The church just has different practices in different areas. There’s nothing different about what we believe as a whole, that is in the one true faith.
So when referring to the ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC CHURCH AS A WHOLE, please says simply CATHOLIC.
When referring ONLY to the LATIN RITE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, please feel free to say ROMAN CATHOLIC.
It just makes for bad terminology when people make simple mistakes like this.
ONE- a ritual itself
TWO-a group or branch of ways of practicing certain rituals
As the faith spread, even though the faith didn’t change, people’s ways of doing things, mostly depending on their culture, were different. As a result, we find many different rites who are all in communion with the Pope and the rest of the church, though, they have different rubrics for the mass, different ways to give blessings, different devotions, different disciplinary acts. For an example, even though there are some latin rite Catholic priests, who marry, marriage for eastern rite Catholic priests is the NORM.
Don’t make any mistakes in believing that for this reason the church isn’t one, it is one. The church just has different practices in different areas. There’s nothing different about what we believe as a whole, that is in the one true faith.
So when referring to the ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC CHURCH AS A WHOLE, please says simply CATHOLIC.
When referring ONLY to the LATIN RITE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, please feel free to say ROMAN CATHOLIC.
It just makes for bad terminology when people make simple mistakes like this.