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The Immaculate Conception and Holiness of the Mother of God in East and West
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Pontificator’s First Law states that “When Orthodoxy and Catholicism agree on something over against Protestantism, Protestantism loses.” This means that if we now belong to a Protestant denomination and intend to to be truly catholic in our theological beliefs, we must reconsider our understanding of the person and ministry of the Virgin Mary. For us Protestants, this is difficult indeed. Marian veneration and devotion contradicts something deep in the Protestant sensibility.
Catholics and Orthodox share a great deal in common in their understanding of the role and ministry of St Mary, but they do appear to disagree when it comes to the Latin assertion of Mary’s immaculate conception. I have asked Dr. Alexander Roman, an exceptionally knowledgeable Byzantine Catholic layman, to share his thoughts on this question with the readers of Pontifications.
The dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, proclaimed by Rome as an article of the Catholic faith in the 19th century, has long been an additional point of disagreement between East and West on the subject of Mariology or the theological study of the role of Mary. In what way is this so and what are the possibilities for overcoming the difficulties here?
The Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception itself affirms that the Mother of God, from the moment of her Conception in the womb of St Anne, was preserved free of the “stain of Original Sin.” In other words, she who was called to assume the great role in salvation history as the Mother of the Divine Word Incarnate and the Ark of the New Covenant was prevented from contracting the sin of Adam.
The foundation of this definition is and always has been the resolution of the issue of: a) the fact that all have fallen in Adam and: b) how can the Mother of Christ, from whose very flesh the Son of God fashioned a Body for Himself by which we are saved and sanctified, ever be said to have been a subject of sin?
St Augustine of Hippo himself, when commenting on Original Sin, affirmed that the Mother of God must always be excluded from any such consideration to begin with. But it was only later with the Blessed John Duns Scotus, the Franciscan theologian, that the theological reasoning behind this view was worked out: The Virgin Mary was preserved free from Original Sin because the FUTURE merits of Christ’s passion and death were applied to her at her conception.
By the seventh century, the Byzantine East was celebrating the feast of the Conception of Saint Anne. This festival was first adopted in the West by the English Church from whence it soon spread elsewhere. It is still to be found in the calendar of the Anglican Church.
The West, however, was divided on whether the Mother of God could be said to have been conceived without Original Sin. St Thomas Aquinas and others, in fact, replied to this question in the negative and one could be a Latin Catholic in good standing while denying the Immaculate Conception.
The Immaculate Conception and Holiness of the Mother of God in East and West
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- General
Pontificator’s First Law states that “When Orthodoxy and Catholicism agree on something over against Protestantism, Protestantism loses.” This means that if we now belong to a Protestant denomination and intend to to be truly catholic in our theological beliefs, we must reconsider our understanding of the person and ministry of the Virgin Mary. For us Protestants, this is difficult indeed. Marian veneration and devotion contradicts something deep in the Protestant sensibility.
Catholics and Orthodox share a great deal in common in their understanding of the role and ministry of St Mary, but they do appear to disagree when it comes to the Latin assertion of Mary’s immaculate conception. I have asked Dr. Alexander Roman, an exceptionally knowledgeable Byzantine Catholic layman, to share his thoughts on this question with the readers of Pontifications.
The dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, proclaimed by Rome as an article of the Catholic faith in the 19th century, has long been an additional point of disagreement between East and West on the subject of Mariology or the theological study of the role of Mary. In what way is this so and what are the possibilities for overcoming the difficulties here?
The Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception itself affirms that the Mother of God, from the moment of her Conception in the womb of St Anne, was preserved free of the “stain of Original Sin.” In other words, she who was called to assume the great role in salvation history as the Mother of the Divine Word Incarnate and the Ark of the New Covenant was prevented from contracting the sin of Adam.
The foundation of this definition is and always has been the resolution of the issue of: a) the fact that all have fallen in Adam and: b) how can the Mother of Christ, from whose very flesh the Son of God fashioned a Body for Himself by which we are saved and sanctified, ever be said to have been a subject of sin?
St Augustine of Hippo himself, when commenting on Original Sin, affirmed that the Mother of God must always be excluded from any such consideration to begin with. But it was only later with the Blessed John Duns Scotus, the Franciscan theologian, that the theological reasoning behind this view was worked out: The Virgin Mary was preserved free from Original Sin because the FUTURE merits of Christ’s passion and death were applied to her at her conception.
By the seventh century, the Byzantine East was celebrating the feast of the Conception of Saint Anne. This festival was first adopted in the West by the English Church from whence it soon spread elsewhere. It is still to be found in the calendar of the Anglican Church.
The West, however, was divided on whether the Mother of God could be said to have been conceived without Original Sin. St Thomas Aquinas and others, in fact, replied to this question in the negative and one could be a Latin Catholic in good standing while denying the Immaculate Conception.