In the old testament you find GOD directly and PERSONALLY chosing Abraham, Moses, Saul, David, all the prophets, and in the transition between the old and new testaments GOD PERSONALLY chose Peter as the first pope (Matthew 16;13). And at the exact moment in time, and acknowledging that GOD The FATHER chose Peter, JESUS gives to Peter the “Key’s to the Kingdom” with the power to bind and lose in heaven and earth. And this power is demonstrated in Acts 1 and 2 where Peter selects Matthias to replace Judas, and the HOLY SPIRIT gives to Matthias “all” that HE gives to the original 11 remaining apostles.
And throughout the balance of the new testament, you will not find GOD the FATHER interceding in making direct choices. The choices are made through the Pope and the apostles and affirmed by the HOLY SPIRIT.
And throughout the balance of the new testament, you will not find GOD the FATHER interceding in making direct choices. The choices are made through the Pope and the apostles and affirmed by the HOLY SPIRIT.