We both agree that using birth control is wrong to do. The problem he is having is with the intent behind NFP. Is it really a sacrifice? You know that it is 99 % effective, so how are those 2-3 weeks where you know you will not get pregnant any different than the verse in the bible?
My answer will probably upset your husband more…as I lean toward Theology of the Body, as explained by Christopher West’s book Theology of the Body for Beginners and his CD on Marriage and the Eucharist which you can get for free from the Mary Foundation.
Before Theology of the Body though, there’s the part of ABC being a direct conscious act of blocking a pregnancy knowing without it one would take place. ABC enables a couple to have sex even during the peak of the women’s fertility cycle because they are actively doing something to block that pregnancy from happening. This is not being open to God’s plan.
NFP respects a woman’s fertile cycle because the couple plans their sex accordingly…if they want children they engage during the peak, if they don’t, they wait until the appropriate time - both situations remaining open to God’s will. A child may or may not result, but it won’t be because of what they did as much as it will be the way things worked out (according to His plan).
Now going into Theology of the Body, we take a closer look at what is really going on with a couple who discerns they are not ready to have children (or another child) yet want to be able to have sex whenever the mood strikes. Is the desire to have relations lust or love? Married couples are called to engage in the marital embrace as a celebration of the covenant they entered into with God on the day of their marriage. This covenant is between husband, wife and God, allowing the couple to enter into the mystery of the Trinity as co-creators of life. When they have sex it is man, woman and God which can lead to the creation of new life. It is such an awesome gift that it warrants celebration, praise and repect whenever it is entered into. The passion of the embrace comes from the awesomeness of what it all means - love, life, joy.
Lustful married sex is where each party uses the other to relieve or fulfill their sexual desires…it’s not so much that they want to get lost in each other’s embrace because they are so overwhelmed with love for the other as much as they get aroused and want to satisfy their desire then and there (the secular view of the purpose of sex as we’ve been inundated with for years). We know biologically that men can get aroused 24/7 and women have a window of time each month where the hormones rage and arousal is easy (God designed this so that life would continue). Take away ABC and the couple has to decide each time the mood strikes because of hormones whether or not satisfying their desires for the moment is more important than the spacing of children they discerned is necessary for their family. Suddenly, it’s not about just him and her…but it involves thinking about the children…it brings to the forefront their responsibilities as a married couple…the desire subsides…or not.
Sex is the giving of oneself completely to the other. One must be free to do so. Free from lust, free from contraceptives, free from anxieties, etc. If we want sex because we had a lousy day at the office, or we want sex because we’re feeling especially insecure today, or because it’s been 3 weeks already, or because those scenes in the movie that night were hot, that’s not the marital embrace we’re intended to have. Listen to the CD about Marriage and the Eucharist and it’ll make a difference in how you view marital sex.