My speculation on God’s being:
I believe that God is eternal, ever being, ageless, because He simply is. By that I mean, He can not age and can not not be because He is existence itself, and existence dose not tire of itself or endanger itself but is a perpetual and limitless is, or be, or existence. If it were not perpetual, existence would not be existence but something bound to it, for that which is the source and summit of all existence must be without its own source and own summit, lest it be self-contradicted and all things not exist and exist at the same time - which is impossible since existence can’t be self-contradicted. If it were not limitless, it would not be existence, for the same reason as above. So, God simply is. He is His own is itself. This makes God eternal and ageless. He dose not grow or age because that would mean change, and change indicates imperfection to perfection, and God cannot be imperfect because He is existence. If existence is imperfect, than it cannot have the qualities of being eternal or infinite, for both qualities are the qualities of perfection, to the highest degree I might add. So existence is perfect, whereby it is eternal and infinite, and if it is perfect to the highest degree, it must be perfect in every way: which of course leads to having enough power to sustain and create things (omnipotence), being everywhere and in everything and everything in it (omnipresence), etc.
If God simply is, than how dose He exist? Dose He just be, without activity, or dose He continually act, without ceasing, or something else? I believe in His being God is ever-fresh. He is ever renewed in Himself, ever be. To put it in the terms of time, God is at every moment newness. But He is not constrained by time, so He has no moments, so we can only say, He is ever fresh. But because of the Incarnation, He has entered into time, and so, in light of that, one can say He is refreshed at every moment, per se. But that’s getting off topic. Because God is eternal newness in Himself, because God is perpetual and limitless renewal itself, He is always young, to speak in the terms of age, though He dose not age and so He has no real youth, but for the sake of man’s undersrtanding I use the term “young”. Because He is infinitly and eternally young, being, is, He may act or not act as He so pleases; love is action, and God is love, but He dose not act ceaselessly because He is continually renewed; this dosen’t mean He goes from one state to another or from on to off but that His divine renewal allows Him - so to speak, for He is renewal itself and not its servant or master, though He is the cause and summit of all created renewal, He Himself being the only uncreated renewal, and in that sense He is the master and servant of created renewal, because He leads by service, being humble, in light of Him being love - to not change, to not continuously create or cause or soeak, so He is free to act as He so pleases. He dose act continually in creation as its Creator and Sustainer, but He dosen’t have to. And in a certain sense, because of free-will, God’s actiity is lessener, for the saints can dispose of graces as they so please, so in that sense, they help Him out - not that He needs help and not that He solely created free-will for His benefit, for He is self-happiness, in need of no benefit, but that because man’s free-will is truly free, God dose not control it, as He dose with nature, albeit He is still its Master, and He could, potentionally, take away free-will since it is His gift, but precisely because it is His gift, He dose not take it away, for He is love and love dose not act cruelly. Moreover, He dose not disrespect our nature, and again, because He is love. But His Providence dose not contradict free-will; it actually cooperates with it, in light of God’s foreknowledge, omnipotence, and omnipresence.
I believe that God is eternal, ever being, ageless, because He simply is. By that I mean, He can not age and can not not be because He is existence itself, and existence dose not tire of itself or endanger itself but is a perpetual and limitless is, or be, or existence. If it were not perpetual, existence would not be existence but something bound to it, for that which is the source and summit of all existence must be without its own source and own summit, lest it be self-contradicted and all things not exist and exist at the same time - which is impossible since existence can’t be self-contradicted. If it were not limitless, it would not be existence, for the same reason as above. So, God simply is. He is His own is itself. This makes God eternal and ageless. He dose not grow or age because that would mean change, and change indicates imperfection to perfection, and God cannot be imperfect because He is existence. If existence is imperfect, than it cannot have the qualities of being eternal or infinite, for both qualities are the qualities of perfection, to the highest degree I might add. So existence is perfect, whereby it is eternal and infinite, and if it is perfect to the highest degree, it must be perfect in every way: which of course leads to having enough power to sustain and create things (omnipotence), being everywhere and in everything and everything in it (omnipresence), etc.
If God simply is, than how dose He exist? Dose He just be, without activity, or dose He continually act, without ceasing, or something else? I believe in His being God is ever-fresh. He is ever renewed in Himself, ever be. To put it in the terms of time, God is at every moment newness. But He is not constrained by time, so He has no moments, so we can only say, He is ever fresh. But because of the Incarnation, He has entered into time, and so, in light of that, one can say He is refreshed at every moment, per se. But that’s getting off topic. Because God is eternal newness in Himself, because God is perpetual and limitless renewal itself, He is always young, to speak in the terms of age, though He dose not age and so He has no real youth, but for the sake of man’s undersrtanding I use the term “young”. Because He is infinitly and eternally young, being, is, He may act or not act as He so pleases; love is action, and God is love, but He dose not act ceaselessly because He is continually renewed; this dosen’t mean He goes from one state to another or from on to off but that His divine renewal allows Him - so to speak, for He is renewal itself and not its servant or master, though He is the cause and summit of all created renewal, He Himself being the only uncreated renewal, and in that sense He is the master and servant of created renewal, because He leads by service, being humble, in light of Him being love - to not change, to not continuously create or cause or soeak, so He is free to act as He so pleases. He dose act continually in creation as its Creator and Sustainer, but He dosen’t have to. And in a certain sense, because of free-will, God’s actiity is lessener, for the saints can dispose of graces as they so please, so in that sense, they help Him out - not that He needs help and not that He solely created free-will for His benefit, for He is self-happiness, in need of no benefit, but that because man’s free-will is truly free, God dose not control it, as He dose with nature, albeit He is still its Master, and He could, potentionally, take away free-will since it is His gift, but precisely because it is His gift, He dose not take it away, for He is love and love dose not act cruelly. Moreover, He dose not disrespect our nature, and again, because He is love. But His Providence dose not contradict free-will; it actually cooperates with it, in light of God’s foreknowledge, omnipotence, and omnipresence.