I was wondering if someone could help me understand a few things.
I have a lot of questions focusing on the OT canon and, ultimately, the Protestant Bible’s exclusion of certain books of the OT.
First of all, could someone clarify for me why the Jews of Jesus’ time, shortly after his death, met in Jamnia for the purpose of removing OT books. Wasn’t the OT canon decided long, long before then??? I understand they weren’t Christians, but Jews who rejected Christ, and that they were concerned that there were no Hebrew texts of the disputed OT books. Yet, they discovered some of those (if not all?) among the Dead Sea Scrolls…wouldn’t they have known of their existence then? And why would they not choose to have them ‘transcribed’ into Hebrew, considering they were the Word of God? Why choose to eliminate them altogether? Was there something in them that they didn’t like? Seems odd to me.
Also, who among the Reformers decided to agree with the Jamnian Council in Jerusalem? Was it Luther? Did they have a meeting, or did Luther make the original decision, only to be later supported by others? And on what grounds did they make that decision. Was it simply because they rejected everything Catholic? Was there more to it? Were there things in the OT books which they rejected that went against their newly formed theology and doctrines?
Also, isn’t it true that, in the NT, there are quoted references made by Jesus, to the OT…and some of those references are to chapter/verse contained within the books removed? If so, how do modern Protestants deal with that?
Thank you
I was wondering if someone could help me understand a few things.
I have a lot of questions focusing on the OT canon and, ultimately, the Protestant Bible’s exclusion of certain books of the OT.
First of all, could someone clarify for me why the Jews of Jesus’ time, shortly after his death, met in Jamnia for the purpose of removing OT books. Wasn’t the OT canon decided long, long before then??? I understand they weren’t Christians, but Jews who rejected Christ, and that they were concerned that there were no Hebrew texts of the disputed OT books. Yet, they discovered some of those (if not all?) among the Dead Sea Scrolls…wouldn’t they have known of their existence then? And why would they not choose to have them ‘transcribed’ into Hebrew, considering they were the Word of God? Why choose to eliminate them altogether? Was there something in them that they didn’t like? Seems odd to me.
Also, who among the Reformers decided to agree with the Jamnian Council in Jerusalem? Was it Luther? Did they have a meeting, or did Luther make the original decision, only to be later supported by others? And on what grounds did they make that decision. Was it simply because they rejected everything Catholic? Was there more to it? Were there things in the OT books which they rejected that went against their newly formed theology and doctrines?
Also, isn’t it true that, in the NT, there are quoted references made by Jesus, to the OT…and some of those references are to chapter/verse contained within the books removed? If so, how do modern Protestants deal with that?
Thank you