The King of Mercy

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I have a few questions.

Why does the Catholic Church believe in two more comings of Jesus Christ?

Jesus told St. Faustina to write this:

“Before I come as the Just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy.” (Pg. 42 of the diary)

If that is NOT in alignment with Church teaching, then most certainly the Catholic Church could not have deemed her to be a saint, could they?

Are not all saints of the Church thoroughly examined before the Church will deem them to be saints? Therefore what St. Faustina is saying cannot be heresy as the Catholic Church would indeed know heresy when they see it, is that not the case?

So question.

Where is the King of Mercy found in Holy Scripture; and more specifically, where is He found in the Book of Revelation?

Clearly Revelation 19 is the Just Judge. But where does Jesus come before that as the King of Mercy?

Is Matthew 24:29 pointing to the Just Judge or to the King of Mercy? Is it possible that we have been thinking all along that it points to the Just Judge, but rather it points to another place in the Book of Revelation as the King of Mercy?

Now clearly, if Jesus Himself indicates in the Gospels that the signs of His return will be the sun, moon, stars, sign in the sky, the people mourning, Him gathering His elect and then the lesson of the fig tree, then where do all of those line up in the Book of Revelation?

Revelation 6, Seal 6?

We Catholics can most certainly see that Jesus cannot lie or misdirect people, so when He gives us the signs of His return, then why do we assume those are pointing to Revelation 19 when Revelation 19 does not contain those signs but rather Revelation 6 does?

Clearly Jesus speaks simply and straightforward and means every word He says, does He not? So if that is the case, then have we completely ignored what He has told us are the clear signs of His return? If they are not in the Book of Revelation, then so be it. However if those signs are grouped together in the Book of Revelation and we have overlooked them, then that is on us, is it not?

Lastly, if Jesus tells us that He is sneaking up on this world like a thief in the night, then clearly that will indeed take place as Jesus cannot lie. Therefore, is it the Just Judge that is the one sneaking up on this world like a thief in the night…

… or rather is it the King of Mercy?

The below video shows a timeline of the Book of Revelation. It appears that we have had it wrong and that St. Faustina had it correct that there are two more comings of Jesus Christ as there is no other way to explain this:

“Before I come as the Just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy.”

God bless.
I have a few questions.

Why does the Catholic Church believe in two more comings of Jesus Christ?

Jesus told St. Faustina to write this:

“Before I come as the Just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy.” (Pg. 42 of the diary)

If that is NOT in alignment with Church teaching, then most certainly the Catholic Church could not have deemed her to be a saint, could they?

Are not all saints of the Church thoroughly examined before the Church will deem them to be saints? Therefore what St. Faustina is saying cannot be heresy as the Catholic Church would indeed know heresy when they see it, is that not the case?

So question.

Where is the King of Mercy found in Holy Scripture; and more specifically, where is He found in the Book of Revelation?

Clearly Revelation 19 is the Just Judge. But where does Jesus come before that as the King of Mercy?

Is Matthew 24:29 pointing to the Just Judge or to the King of Mercy? Is it possible that we have been thinking all along that it points to the Just Judge, but rather it points to another place in the Book of Revelation as the King of Mercy?

Now clearly, if Jesus Himself indicates in the Gospels that the signs of His return will be the sun, moon, stars, sign in the sky, the people mourning, Him gathering His elect and then the lesson of the fig tree, then where do all of those line up in the Book of Revelation?

Revelation 6, Seal 6?

We Catholics can most certainly see that Jesus cannot lie or misdirect people, so when He gives us the signs of His return, then why do we assume those are pointing to Revelation 19 when Revelation 19 does not contain those signs but rather Revelation 6 does?

Clearly Jesus speaks simply and straightforward and means every word He says, does He not? So if that is the case, then have we completely ignored what He has told us are the clear signs of His return? If they are not in the Book of Revelation, then so be it. However if those signs are grouped together in the Book of Revelation and we have overlooked them, then that is on us, is it not?

Lastly, if Jesus tells us that He is sneaking up on this world like a thief in the night, then clearly that will indeed take place as Jesus cannot lie. Therefore, is it the Just Judge that is the one sneaking up on this world like a thief in the night…

… or rather is it the King of Mercy?

The below video shows a timeline of the Book of Revelation. It appears that we have had it wrong and that St. Faustina had it correct that there are two more comings of Jesus Christ as there is no other way to explain this:

“Before I come as the Just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy.”

God bless.
My apology. I can only help with a couple of your questions.

Regarding the Book of Revelation to John. Experts consider this as being difficult to understand because of the way language is used. My only suggestion is to go to page 719 of the universal Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition. This page is part of the “Index of Citations” which begins with brief instructions on page 689.

When you are on page 719, you will find a list of chapter verses which are referred to within the Catechism itself. This list continues on the next page. When you are interested in particular verses in a chapter, you can check this list to see if they have been used in the Catechism paragraphs.

Please note that not every verse in the Bible automatically becomes a Catholic doctrine. Actually, I recommend first reading paragraphs 20-21 in the Catechism. These explain the use of small print.

Regarding the questions about the words of Jesus. There are times when Jesus uses parables as a way of teaching. Or He may use descriptive words to indicate His power and glory.

It has been many years since I read the Diary of St. Faustina. However, I can understand why Jesus would describe Himself as “King.” It is the power of the “King” to grant mercy.

One more suggestion.
You could ask your questions in the Sacred Scripture Forum. There are people there who know Scripture far better than myself.

Link to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition
One can interpret it as, in order to give us a chance for last minute preparation, Jesus will show His mercy first by giving us a sign as a warning that He is just about to come in judgment. This sign will be the sign of the Cross in the sky. The sign of the Cross is directly related to Jesus and God’s Mercy. So this could be how Jesus comes first as the King of Mercy before the Second Coming. Another way of looking at it is the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, and the papacy of Pope Francis has a theme of mercy.
The letters INRI mean something. Granny knows that too.
INRI stands for the words on the sign above Jesus on His cross.
From John 19: 19-20

Pilate also had an inscription written and put on the cross. It read, “Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews.” Now many of the Jews read this inscription, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
Painting by Diego Velazquez

Jesus, Our Lord, is our King of Love and Mercy.
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