Good Catholics become great knights and all knights become even better Catholics. Personally, I think every Catholic should become a knight (and I think it is overdue for the KofC to allow women knights also). The world would become a far better place.
I wholehearted agree with your sentiment about the Knights. It’s great fraternal organization. I do not agree, though, that women ought to be Knights. Our men need an organization that encourages them to be faithful Catholic gentlemen. And for that they need to be isolated from us gals. Men need to support one another in their faith and share with each other the sorts of things that they can relate to with one another.
Besides, there already is an organization for the gals: The Ladies Auxiliary. It is a committee of the Knights under their auspices. In our council we LAs meet with the guys for our monthly board meeting and help make decisions about upcoming events, etc. We are treated as equals, of course, because that is what we are.
We gals meet on the same night as the men for our general meeting and after taking care of our own business we meet together for a lecturer or other activity. We LAs are very much involved with the Knights, but we also do things on our own that the fellas don’t have as much interest in–women things in which we help other women, such as layettes for new struggling mothers and other such programs.
If your council doesn’t have a Ladies Auxiliary maybe you should look into forming one. It only take 6 women to start one (so all the offices will be filled). If the guys get behind it you will find it will be a great boast to your council and a way to get your wives and daughters involved in the Knights.
And for the main topic of this thread, I don’t know if the KCs have a program to help specifically with your concern, Sorbetto, but it couldn’t hurt to look into it. God bless you in your struggles with temptation and in your desire for holiness.