My psychology teacher was teaching us about a term called the libido. He said it is an internal energy that needs to continuously be released. Does anybody know about the libido and if what my teacher is saying has any truth?
Your psychology teacher is
definitely out of his mind.
No, but seriously…No. There’s essentially no truth to that idea whatsoever. It treats human beings as if they were unintelligent irrational animals incapable of self-control, sexual or otherwise. It’s part of this whole big idea that just because we
desire it, therefore it
must be good. And that’s not true. Original Sin has brought disorder into the original harmony of God’s Creation. Our Intellect has been clouded by Original Sin, and we now have Concupiscience – the unnatural tendancy towards sin. Just because we
want the sin doesn’t mean that it’s suddenly OK to do. Let me see if this explanation helps you out at all:
We are human beings, composed of both body and soul. Neither one is meant to be separated from the other – death is an unnatural state of existence for us that was brought into the world by sin. There are three portions of the human soul that we have to consider: the Intellect, the Will, and the Passions. Before the fall of mankind, all three worked together in the perfect harmony that God had originally intended for them: the Intellect recognizes the good, the Will chooses it because it is good, and the Passions rejoice in that good choice. But after the fall, sin (a disordering of goods) entered into the world, and the original harmony of God’s creation was destroyed. We no longer have a pure intellect, because it is clouded by the effects of original sin, and our control over the Passions has been tremendously reduced. Now we see people who do things in the exact
opposite order of how they are suppsed to do them: they allow their Passions to decide what they
feel is right, use the Will to choose what the Passions desire, and their Intellect just gets dragged along in the process, hopelessly trying to justify the actions which are being imposed upon it. And then when they see that they
cannot justify it, when logic tells them that it really
was the wrong thing to do, they simply build up a wall around themselves in order to ignore reality and justify what
they want to do.
This is what is wrong. We have to learn
self-control to master our Passions, and then use our Will to choose what our (correctly formed) Intellect tells us is the right thing to do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with
sexual urges, but it
is wrong to act upon them simply because we
feel like we want to.