The limit of love is that

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… of needing always an accomplice.

This quote, from the song No Kisses on the Mouth, which in turn is a quote from the film Salo, got me thinking. User @fide has stated that the Trinity is necessary for God to be perfect in Himself, since love and society are goods (if I’ve understood him correctly). Does that mean that love must be expressed to be love?
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What is love without expression?
That’s true. Love would seem to ‘need’ an object unless it were simply self-love. But that in turn makes me wonder why a Trinity is necessary. @fide had a great argument about why but I still wonder.
I’m no longer a Trinitarian; but being a guest of this Forum, and out of respect for my hosts, it’s not a subject I discuss. It is sufficient to say that the Exalted is Love.
But if Love must be expressed wouldn’t that imply that it has a need? Which would make it not perfect.
I would say that the Exalted expresses love, not because He needs to, but because He wishes to. It is for our benefit, not His.
This thread got me thinking about what love looks like when it is perfect and timeless. To say that love is expressed may suggest that it is a work in progress, or as you say, it has a need, is not complete or perfect. (It depends on what we mean by expressed, I imagine.)

I wonder if oneness is the eternal, perfect, unchanging form (or essence?) of love. Oneness equals union with others. Without reference to others, oneness is wholeness and peace. Maybe these are the same, just two aspects of oneness. God could be one without us (i.e., if there were no Creation) or with us.
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