The Lost Books

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Why have many books been taken out of the catholic bible or the bible all together? I mean, we all know the Apocrapha is . BUT things like enoch and others… why are they taken out STILL
Actually Apocrypha is the Protestant term for the books, the Catholic term is Deuterocanonical. Apocrypha means “doubtful”. There is a good but brief explanation of their history here.

They were never pulled from Catholic bibles - they are still there.
Thank for the first post…
to the second…
The book deserves to be just as much as any other… And I dont know if either Constantine and his people took it out or if it was done later but either way, it should be in there… WHY isnt it?
no [Mod Edit: sassy] remarks if possible
Actually Apocrypha is the Protestant term for the books, the Catholic term is Deuterocanonical. Apocrypha means “doubtful”. There is a good but brief explanation of their history here.

They were never pulled from Catholic bibles - they are still there.
yeah, i knew they were in the catholic bible… but i want to pretty much as why they are still there… are they concidered doubtful to the catholics as well or no? The priest at our catholic church isnt there… the church is locked so im askin yall
did you read the link that was given? do you have a more specific question after reading that link?
I understand it now much better… Where cant I find the book of enoch and some of the others…
Actually, those “Lost Books” were never lost. They were never included in the canon of books that became the Bible, courtesy of the Catholic Church. The books that became part of the New Testament canon (Gospels, Acts and the letters and Revelation) were selected because they were used in the early Church and that the Church determined that the other books were not inspired.
As for the Old Testament, whether you want to call them “Apocryphal” or “Deuterocanonical,” those books are in the Greek version of the Jewish scriptures called the Septuigant (I think I have the spelling correct) , and what was translated into the Old Testament. The Protestant Bible does not have books like I Maccabees and II Maccabees (again, spelling) because Luther threw them out. In fact, if Luther would have had his complete way, Hebrews, Revelation and the Letter of James would have also been thrown out.

If you read those “Lost Books,” you’d find some ridiculous nonsense in them and understand why they were never included. And again, they’ve always been around. Using the word “lost” is just one more way to take a potshot at the Church.
Probably in the trash can where they belong…let me guess…You watched the History Channel and now you are in pursuit of these books that were left out of the Bible?
I understand it now much better… Where cant I find the book of enoch and some of the others…
i use it because to me they are lost… I CANT FIND THEM ANYEWERE!!!
I grew up lutheran to tell you the truth. But the pastors here are borring so i dont go those churches 🙂 But the catholic church did sign some lil deal 4 years back that What luther spoke above (grace getting you into heaven, not acts OR money) WAS correct. Thats what they service said at least. It could be wrong…
SO, where can i find these books… Should I get a catholic bible then individually get the others?
If you have internet access…which you obviously do, then there is no excuse for you to not be able to find them. Just do a web search…they are all available online for free. Also, I suggest reading the Canon before reading these books…you may actually learn something, because you obviously have an unjustified bias against Christ and The Catholic Church.
i use it because to me they are lost… I CANT FIND THEM ANYEWERE!!!
I grew up lutheran to tell you the truth. But the pastors here are borring so i dont go those churches 🙂 But the catholic church did sign some lil deal 4 years back that What luther spoke above (grace getting you into heaven, not acts OR money) WAS correct. Thats what they service said at least. It could be wrong…
SO, where can i find these books… Should I get a catholic bible then individually get the others?
Ha ha…that is such a funny statement, because since The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ…if you have a problem against The Church…you have a problem against Christ.
i have nothing against christ… just the catholic church
[Mod Edit: deleted offensive content]
I find the church very interesting, so i’m checking info… and I would indeed look up things but how many souces can be trusted… honestly
Ha ha…that is such a funny statement, because since The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ…if you have a problem against The Church…you have a problem against Christ.
but if I believe the chruch isnt a church is actually just a mask, although those who fallow dont know, then I am not really against christ…
^ i dont believe that BUT… if I have an issue with catholic and if it is as you say, I guess i have an issue with christ… then help me understand and answer my questions… I’ll stop making fun if it really up sets you that much…

AND THE CHURCH… Is that ONLY the catholic church or any church that is…‘christian’

I can sense a lot of anger in your posts. I can tell you the Roman Catholic Church is a beautiful true thing. It is full of sinners such as I, but there is no mask.

What do you see as the “mask” and the real thing?

I think it is wonderful that you are here and are searching for truth. Be careful though with careless comments. I can guarantee you that we can provide answers to your questions about the Church.
No one is keeping any secrets.

May God Bless you in your search for truth 👍

I will enumerate your issues, to better answer…
  1. Where can you find the books which were never included in the Canon of the Bible? It’s a secular site, so I assume you would trust it.
  2. Christ started one Church. That Church canonized the Bible. That Church was demonstrably Catholic. If the Catholic Church is rejected, so is the authority to canonize the Bible. IOW, if you accept the Bible, you accept the authority of the Catholic Church. If you reject the authority of the Catholic Church, you have no reason to accept the canon of the Bible (which is apparently where you’re at).
  3. If by “Apocrypha” you are refering to the books which are in the Catholic Bible but not in the Protestant Bible, you may want to read this: 5 myths about 7 books
  4. If by “Apocrypha” you are refering to works like The Shepherd of Hermas or The Gospel of Thomas, they were never included in the canon (and therefore cannot be said to have been “removed”). They were excluded based on the authority of the Church. See #2.
  5. Luther removed books from the Bible (though not as many as he would have prefered - see: James, Revelations, Hebrews, etc.). Since you were raised Lutheran, perhaps you should ask your fellow Lutherans why he threw out 7 books.
  6. You had better dial back a notch your anti-Catholic bias setting. If you keep getting words censored and denouncing the Catholic Church on a Catholic forum, you’re likely to get banned. Keep the questions, ditch the poor wording.
  7. Please let us know what other questions you have.
God Bless,
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