Hello…I was wondering if anyone here is well-versed on Stoic philosophy? I find it very appealing and its allure is a major stepping block to my coming fully back to the Catholic Church after having given up on going to church for over 8 months.
I must admit that for most of those 8 months I lived my life with an Atheistic mentality and in the last month and a half I slowly got drawn into thinking about God again but in the Stoicist form of what God is…
For those of you who don’t know…Stoicism is a philosophy where nature itself is God. You can describe it as a form of Pantheism where God is in everything. The goal of being a Stoicist is to live a life of virtue where no matter what suffering or obstacles you may face in life…you will remain moderate and calm in how you respond to these happenings. That way you are living according to nature.
My dilemma is the appeal of living ones life in a way where you can live a life of virtue sans the religion. On top of this many of the Stoicist sayings are very similar to the sayings Christ. So in my mind it is hard to dismiss the fact that in Stoicism being so much older a philosophy than the Christian faith, I find myself getting into the “well, they were saying this hundreds of years before Christians so Christians probably stole it from the Stoicists” kind of mindset.
Can anyone help me through this doubt? I am on the fence and all I can do is go to Confession tomorrow. And I honestly don’t know if I can be sincere in my confession since all of the above is troubling me greatly.
Thank you for your time.
I must admit that for most of those 8 months I lived my life with an Atheistic mentality and in the last month and a half I slowly got drawn into thinking about God again but in the Stoicist form of what God is…
For those of you who don’t know…Stoicism is a philosophy where nature itself is God. You can describe it as a form of Pantheism where God is in everything. The goal of being a Stoicist is to live a life of virtue where no matter what suffering or obstacles you may face in life…you will remain moderate and calm in how you respond to these happenings. That way you are living according to nature.
My dilemma is the appeal of living ones life in a way where you can live a life of virtue sans the religion. On top of this many of the Stoicist sayings are very similar to the sayings Christ. So in my mind it is hard to dismiss the fact that in Stoicism being so much older a philosophy than the Christian faith, I find myself getting into the “well, they were saying this hundreds of years before Christians so Christians probably stole it from the Stoicists” kind of mindset.
Can anyone help me through this doubt? I am on the fence and all I can do is go to Confession tomorrow. And I honestly don’t know if I can be sincere in my confession since all of the above is troubling me greatly.
Thank you for your time.