The meaning of life is to be tested?

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I have heard several times now in various discussions in Catholic theology that the ultimate meaning/purpose of life is “probationary” or “to be tested”.

To me, to be honest, this seems rather…shallow.

I had always thought that purpose/meaning of life is, through God, to be truly and authentically happy. By loving Him as He has laid down, we might achieve this ultimate happiness.

Of course, the Catechism says this far more eloquently than I have here, yet it says nothing, at least in the section I read, about “testing” or “probation” having anything to do with life’s ultimate meaning/purpose, though, of course, testing is a part of it due to our natures/original sin/free will.

So, where does this notion of “probation” come from and is it an official (even infallible) teaching of the Church or simply a prevalent theological understanding?

I mean, I suppose this does provide the answer to questions of why weren’t our original parents ushered into the Presence of God in the Beatific Vision immediately upon Creation or why we are not put into that state more quickly…? Why were our first parents, after all, put here on this Earth, in some sense, separated from a direct intuition of God anyway? And, indeed, why are we?

So, is the real meaning/purpose of life to be tested? And, if so, why? What benefit does God/do we get from being actively “tested”? I mean, I can see tests coming our way due to the nature of this reality/state of existence, but, for the purpose to be actively “tested” to see if we will pass or fail? I’m sory, but I just don’t get it, so, if anyone could provide any clarification on all this, I would very much appreciate it.

The reason we spend time on Earth is so we can decide.
The purpose of our life is to develop our friendship with God.
I have heard several times now in various discussions in Catholic theology that the ultimate meaning/purpose of life is “probationary” or “to be tested”.
The overarching meaning of life is love. The fact that life becomes a test is only due to our fallen natures and freewill. It’s a test because human beings to varying degrees and in different ways have a tendency towards selfish behaviour (the polar opposite of love), and so for those who care about love, overcoming those tendencies can be very much like a test and for some a great spiritual war.

Happiness is the natural end of love, but love is the true path to that end. And to get there in any true and substantial sense this may involve suffering and sacrifice which some might not be willing to do.

But, the purpose of life is not a test. God didn’t create us so he can see who wins and who fails. God created us for Love, so that we can be loved and Love. In a very real sense we are here to create love with each other. But the devil is trying very hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.
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God gave life to man, thus breathing into the nostrils of Adam, life! To share in His glory, in the Garden. Eating of the fruits of His glory and sharing in them.

Think, whence God took Adam to a sleep. He procured from his rib, a woman! Thus, God granted the consummation of marriage, marital life, and relationship. Wherefore they became one: bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. The two became one.

This grace offering was that another. God’s grace in sharing His Love.

Think, God said it was not good for man to live alone. But man wasn’t technically, alone. God was there. And animals were there. All creation was there. This is incumbent of the Holy Trinity. Because, God is Love. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit share in that Love. One Divine Order.

Adam could not be the only human being on earth! It would defy charity for him to do so. Thus, for him to be self giving as the Holy Trinity. Think, in the Nicene Creed how important it is to know this: God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God. The Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life. Adored and Glorified with the Father and the Son. Love projects and fosters from the Holy Trinity. From the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, thus this Love projects. It must as well be, this same love must project from Adam himself. But he cannot do this alone. Thus, does God give life to another through Adam’s rib. Giving of himself, just as the Holy Trinity projects that love through Adam’s existence. Into creation.

Adam must be self giving. He must live for another. Just as the Father lives for the Son, and the Holy Spirit lives for the Father and the Son. This complete Union. It was from this self giving Love of the Holy Trinity, Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that Creation of all things came to be. Pure Holy Charity. Thus, in order for Adam to share in the great gifts and graces, the fruits in the Garden of God’s glory. In the glorious relationship of the Holy Trinity, Adam had to give himself so that another: A woman! Eve!

Thus, the meaning of life is Love! Since it is that of God’s nature, that life exists. Out of Love!

Of course, because of the stain of sin. This view of the relative meaning of life, and even of love, has been obscured, tainting the view of that full participation and partnership in grace. Hence, when the meaning of life is said to be “tested.” I think that is because of the tragedy of sin. God did not test life for it’s meaning, nor for its’ value. He created life. It comes from Him. From the life, love, and value of relationship in the Holy Trinity. The Order of that Love rendered by God Himself. That is the meaning of life.
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