The Mercy Seat

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Scott Hawn is like a Spiritual brother to me. It seems what the Lord has put on my heart he has also put on him as well.
When Scott began to discrib the Blessed Virgin Mary as what the Ark of the Covenant was forshadowing he put into words what I had felt by the Spirit’s leading for over a year.
Many see Jesus as this Ark and yes He can be seen as the Ark but rather as Noah’s Ark. Mary was the smaller Ark that was filled with the Glory of God to come and be with His people. The item placed in the Ark such as the word of God in the form of the Ten Commandments and the Manna and Arons Rod that budded are all symbols of the roll of Jesus to be the Word made flesh and to Rise from the grave by the power of the Holy Spirit to be the Eternal High Priest who overcame sin and death.
This is only part of what the Ark forshadowed to us that over the Ark between the Angels on the lid was the “Mercy Seat”.
One day as I came into Church at St. Michael’s the Archangel in Findlay, Ohio, as I looked at a replica of Michael Angelo’s Pieta it became obvious to me that this could be seen as God’s mercy resting on the Mercy Seat.
If Mary is know as the Ark of the Covenant than it only follows that she is a Mercy Seat, that is to say a place for God’s Mercy to rest.
In the Old Testament the high priest would sprinkle the Mercy Seat with blood and then rest on it. Sometimes the High Priest would die on the Mercy Seat and some would see this that some how the priest was not worthy to be on the seat because of some unrepented sin.
What in reality is true, is that it the death of the True High Priest “Jesus” who is on the Mercy Seat brings the Mercy of God to us and all who will recieve God’s Mercy in the form of the Death of His Son who took our death for us.
This is acted out every time we recieve Holy Communion because Jesus is the Mercy of God and we are His Mercy Seats to recieve the Devine Mercy of God and we put this Mercy into our bodies that are the Temple of the Holy Spirit that was forshadowed by the Ark.
God Bless
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