[continued from above…]
Further, we can argue for this PostMillennial view of history (i.e., there will be TWO apostasies in history, our current one, and the great one at the end of time, and between these two apostasies will be a golden Age of Peace where the RCC will reign supreme in the world, or at least much of it) by arguing that the history of the Old Covenant is foreshadowing the New Covenant. When we consider the Jewish People, begun with Abraham, we can surmise that the their history will be indicative of the New Covenant as well. Then, we can argue a parallel. In the beginning, God calls Abraham and establishes the beginnings of His People. Similarly, Christ comes and establishes His Church. Then, shortly after the Covenant with Abraham, the Hebrews are enslaved by Egypt. Similarly, shortly after the founding of the Church, She is severely persecuted by the pagans (especially Rome). Then, just as God delivers His People in the Exodus, similarly with Constantine, His New People are delivered from the hands of the Romans and gain their own freedom, eventually in Christendom. Then, in Israel, after some time, through laxity and sin, the People stray from the Covenant. God sends the Prophets to warn them to convert back or face chastisement. Similarly, after a while in Christendom, many in the Church begin to take their gifts for granted and fall into sin and laxity. As a result, the Western World departs from her Catholic and then Christian roots. Similarly also, God keeps the remnant in the Church to warn the world that it will face disaster if it continues in its godless living. Also pertinent are the warnings of Private Revelation, especially Our Lady. Then, the Jews do not heed the Prophets and so comes the Chastisement, the Babylonian Exile. But the Chastisement is a MERCIFUL act of God, for it turns the hearts of the Jews back to their God. Similarly, an option faces our current godless age: if the world will listen to the voice of the Church that warns them of impending disaster if they do not return to God, then peace can be achieved and the world can once again return to God’s favor. On the other hand, if the world does not repent in time, just as with the Jews, God will send a chastisement (like Babylon). But just as the Babylonian exile converted Israel back to God, so, if the Minor Chastisement comes, the world will be converted back to the Church, but in this case, the conversion will not need to be followed by pagan occupation, as with the Jews, for the whole Western World will be the Kingdom under the Church, the Universal Kingdom. In this way, there will be veritably an Age of Peace.
One more parallel that I forgot to add when discussing how I believe the Old Covenant History foreshadows New Covenant history. After the conversion of the Jews in the exile, they then faced the final long trial of pagan occupation until the salvation of Christ’s FIRST coming. Similarly, after an extended peace in the Age of Peace, the Church will endure the final trial, the mass apostasy and Antichrist, then followed by the SECOND coming of Christ. Hence, in both cases, the eras are closed by a coming of Christ: the Old Covenant concludes with the FIRST coming of Christ, and the New Covenant finds its ultimate conclusion and fulfillment in the SECOND Coming of Christ.
For more information on how I argue for POSTmillennialism, see my website:
God bless you, Starrs.
Scott Pauline