The Modern Age - What is it?

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Is the modern world the present contemporary one, or are we living in a postmodern age?

I read that the postmodern age was in the 1980s and 1990s, a time noted for skepticism and the rejection of idealism. I wonder.

The modern age was when modernism, a movement in philosophy, art and criticism flourished, which was hostile to religion and the Enlightenment. It may have peaked in the 1930s, and could be considered to have been influential from 1850-1950, when writers such as Nietzche and Beckett were active.

From a Catholic point of view modernism was the movement condemned by St Pius X at the start of the 20th century.

On the other hand modernism (modern age) could be considered to have begun with the Reformation, Renaissance, age of Humanism, science and printing.

These questions are important to me as I am trying to read an introductory book on theology, which emphasizes the role of modernism (modern world).

Do you agree with what I have written and I would welcome clarifications?
Is the modern world the present contemporary one, or are we living in a postmodern age?

I read that the postmodern age was in the 1980s and 1990s, a time noted for skepticism and the rejection of idealism. I wonder.

The modern age was when modernism, a movement in philosophy, art and criticism flourished, which was hostile to religion and the Enlightenment. It may have peaked in the 1930s, and could be considered to have been influential from 1850-1950, when writers such as Nietzche and Beckett were active.

From a Catholic point of view modernism was the movement condemned by St Pius X at the start of the 20th century.

On the other hand modernism (modern age) could be considered to have begun with the Reformation, Renaissance, age of Humanism, science and printing.

These questions are important to me as I am trying to read an introductory book on theology, which emphasizes the role of modernism (modern world).

Do you agree with what I have written and I would welcome clarifications?
Encyclopedia Britannica, Postmodernism:
Postmodernism is a late 20th-century movement in philosophy and literary theory that generally questions the basic assumptions of Western philosophy in the modern period (roughly, the 17th century through the 19th century).
Modern Catholic Dictionary, Modernism:
A theory about the origin and nature of Christianity, first developed into a system by George Tyrrell (1861-1909), Lucien Laberthonnière (1860-1932), and Alfred Loisy (1857-1940). According to Modernism, religion is essentially a matter of experience, personal and collective.
According to Modernism, religion is essentially a matter of experience, personal and collective.
Many thanks for your concise reply.
Perhaps here is a danger in making things too complicated and your reply simplifies the issues.
St Pius X’s attach on Modernism may have had some adverse effects, but at present in the Church there seems to be an acceptable move to experience.
According to Modernism, religion is essentially a matter of experience, personal and collective.
Many thanks for your concise reply.
Perhaps here is a danger in making things too complicated and your reply simplifies the issues.
St Pius X’s attach on Modernism may have had some adverse effects, but at present in the Church there seems to be an acceptable move to experience.
Christian doctrines are true, regardless of anyone’s feelings or historical situation. That is why Modernism is “the synthesis of all heresies” as per St. Pope Pius X.

Encyclopedia Britannica
Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1907), which condemned Modernism as heresy, was aimed chiefly at Loisy and was the last of a series of papal censures dating from 1893. Although Loisy had reluctantly submitted to the first censure, Leo XIII’s encyclical Providentissimus Deus (on biblical scholarship), he refused to bow to this latest pressure and was excommunicated in 1908.
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