Melinda Gates is a hard-working, intelligent person who was a valedictorian, super-achiever, and early woman in tech. She became very influential when she caught the attention of Bill at Microsoft and married the richest person in the world.
Like anybody else, her views have become fairly cemented with older age. She still identifies as a Catholic so obviously there are aspects of the faith that are attractive to her, but she also enthusiastically endorses programs that are gravely contrary to the dignity of human beings. She has been doing it for a long time so the chances of a change of heart are increasingly dim. Like many people, she is utilitarian.
There is nothing wrong with reading books by people that dont express Catholic views. I do it all the time, although I don’t think Melinda is very interesting or brilliant, at least in the creative sense. You kind of already know what she is going to say. She’s big on mainstream figures like Oprah.