The most beautiful version of Ave Maria!

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This is probably the most moving versions of Ave Maria I have ever heard. It may take a while for those with a phone modem to stream it…but it’s well worth the wait (for those of us with broadband it should start right away. Do make sure your speakers are on.) Here’s the info from the page:

Ave Maria
Ave Maria by the contemporary composer, Franz Biebl,
sung (in rehearsal) by Alliance Chorus
The only group that I think sings this version better is Chanticleer. Enjoy!

If you know of any other wonderful versions please do share.

God Bless,
Incase you can’t understand the first part here are the program notes for it. It’s acutally from the Angelus (there are some modifications with the Hail Mary but it sticks to it pretty well) here’s the progression:
Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae
(The Angel of the Lord announced to Mary)
Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.
(And she conceived by the Holy Spirit.)
Ave Maria, etc.
(Hail Mary, etc.)
Ecce ancilla Domini
(Behold the handmaiden of the Lord)
Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.
(Do to me according to your word.)
Ave Maria, etc.
(Hail Mary, etc.)
Et verbum caro factum est
(And the Word was made flesh)
Et habitavit in nobis
(And dwelt among us.)
Ave Maria etc., Sancta Maria etc.
(Hail Mary etc., Holy Mary etc.)
There’s more explination of Franz Biebl’s Ave Maria (Angelus Domini) here.


God Bless,
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