The Movie about St Paul and St. Luke

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How close to scripture is this movie? Was St. Paul really in prison in Rome and tortured until he died? I thought he being a Roman citizen he lived in a house in Rome under guard until his execution. Plus, did St. Luke really visit him during this time to record letters? I thought St. Luke knew Jesus but the movie says he didn’t.
I have the impression that Paul was under house arrest for several years in Rome, and later in prison where he was martyred. I don’t know about torture. St Luke was a companion of St Paul, and visited him to help gather material for the Acts and the gospel he wrote. My understanding is that St Luke was not one of the disciples, and didn’t know Jesus at that time. Seems pretty accurate. Check out the Encyclopedia Britannica.
St. Luke was not converted until well after the Crucifixion, as was St. Paul himself.
How close to scripture is this movie?
You mean - how close is the Holy Bible - to a Hollywood production -
Cameras and lights and ‘make up personal’ and costumes ?
Directors and actresses and sound effects ?
Maybe the movie just showed the part when Paul was in prison then, after Nero blamed the Christians for the fire.
What I didn’t like was the portraying of Paul murdering
a kid he had ID’d as Christian & implication he’d killed
a bunch of adult Christians as well.
Far as I know, Paul never killed anyone directly
I don’t recall the movie specifically implying that Paul murdered anyone himself. I figured that the blood on his hands was figurative, saying that he had their “blood on his hands.”
Well killing indirectly is still killing. He probably felt he had blood on his hands for sure.
The forged papers that St. Luke used confused me in regards to their morality- Is that okay? It seems like lying…
I would say that was for the greater good. Sometimes we have to break the law when it is a bad law. Same happened in WWII when people had to use forged documents just to live and get past the Nazis.
St Paul (called Saul at the time) approved the killing of the deacon Stephen. Acts 7 last paragraph until 8:1. Continue reading Acts and see the changes in St Paul´s life that takes place after his meeting with Jesus Christ.
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