The Narrow Gate

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I live in the Tennessee, the Bible belt. Everyone here thinks he / she is saved.

Jesus said to carry out our salvation in fear and trembling.

I wonder if pro-abortion Christians are going to get in. How about the majority of Catholics who don’t believe in the Real Presence, like the many in John 6:66. How about the Catholics who don’t go to Mass on Sundays, and NEVER go to confession. Then receive communion?

How come the road to destruction is actually wide and the road to Heaven narrow. How can MANY fit on the narrow road? Is the road to Heaven only for Jews?

Why did Jesus say that if we live our life for Him we would be a contradiction?

I think I’m goingto go with what the Bible says. My hope is in Jesus and I pray He give me the grace to perservere!


I agree with you that we should go with what the Bible says. My question is what exactly is the Bible saying? Is Jesus refering to the chosen people or to everyone as a whole?

This is what the alphabet would look like if the letters Q and R were eliminated
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