Les Richardson lets say your explantion is a legitamte one. Like I said everything I have denies this explanation but I also know that not all apostolic christians went with the symbolic explantions as The Ehtopian Christians went the X files of scriptures the Book of Enoch as scripture. Does this explantion make Goliath and other giant Philistines descendents of these angels?
One thing that can’t be explained away is that Goliath was such a giant man that he would seem to be in the myth category and would that make the David and Goliath story mythic or literal in our understanding of the giants of old?
It is unfortunate that most of the interest in the Nephilim in recent years comes from people such as Zacharia Sitchin with their wild ideas of alien seeding of humanity and so forth. It distorts any legitimate discussion.
I would suggest that it makes no difference to my faith whether you go with the Latin Church doctrine or tilt toward the “X-files” of the Ethiopian Church. To me this is not a critical issue.
I am saying that there has been a suggestion that the hard and fast exclusive doctrine on angels was a response to heretical ideas that Origen came up with on the subject, rather than a complete study and assessment of understanding regarding any and all mention of heavenly creatures and some sort of differentiation between them.
Nor do I think that some reasonable thought in this area, based on the Biblical accounts, necessarily takes one into heresy. My point about Karl Keating was that it seems he left that door open as well. If not, I presume he would clarify.
What you have identified is clearly a problem with ascribing all giants in the Bible to the parentage of fallen “watchers” or some such, because we have the flood event in between the time of the Nephilim and the Philistine giants, like Goliath.
I’ve heard *speculation *that they (the watchers) were at it again, after the flood. But according to Enoch, the offending angels were bound by God until the end of the world.
Some also have suggested that the reason God told the Israelites to eradicate some of the people in the promised land was precisely because they were corrupted and polluted, and there were more of the giants. Other people they conquered and allowed to live among the Israelites.
I would point out, that these are not
my explanations. I have not made any hard and fast determinations. There are way too many gaps in all of this. Besides, I am not qualified to do that. But I do have difficulty understanding how one group of descendents of Adam and Eve could co-mingle and reproduce with another separate group of the descendents of Adam and Eve and produce any unusual offspring.
And, there seems to be evidence that the Jews at the time of Jesus were well aware of the “X-files” of Enoch a man who “walked with God, and was no more”, according to the Scripture.
Was Goliath mythical? Well, archeology has found clear evidence of giant men, so I don’t think we need to resort to myth. It doesn’t give us the explanation we want. Perhaps we’ll never have that. The inspired scripture doesn’t give us everything but it does have anomalies not covered by Catholic Doctrine on angels. I return to Jacob. Was the angel he wrestled with pure spirit, or did he have a physical body?