Could someone please tell me the heck this means? Many say that Novus Ordo, as we have it today in most places, is “not what the Council intended”, or the Novus Ordo “without abuses” would look like the Tridentine Mass. What??
According to the* Constitution on the Liturgy *of Vatican II the Novus Ordo was to remain in Latin with only the Epistle, Gospel and a few prayers said in the vernacular.
*Constitution on the Liturgy *# 36
(1) ** The use of the Latin language, with due respect to
particular law, is to be preserved **in the Latin rites. (2) But
since the use of the vernacular, whether in the Mass, the administration of the sacraments, or in other parts of the
liturgy, may frequently be of great advantage to the people, a
wider use may be made of it, especially in readings, directives
and in some prayers and chants.
(3) These norms being observed, it is for the competent territorial ecclesiastical authority mentioned in Article 22:2, to decide whether, and to what extent, the vernacular language is to be used.
- A suitable place may be allotted to the vernacular in Masses which are celebrated with the people, especially in the readings and “the common prayer,” and also, as local conditions maywarrant, in those parts which pertain to the people, according to the rules laid down in Article 36 of this Constitution.
Nevertheless care must be taken to ensure that the faithful may also be able to say or sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them.
The Constitution passed on **Dec… 4, 1963. ** The following documents show how changes that **went beyond **what the Constitution called were gradually introduced.
Inter oecumenici
Instruction on implementing liturgical norms
Consilium (of Sacred Congregation of Rites) -
September 26, 1964
57. For Masses, whether sung or recited, celebrated with a congregation, the competent, territorial ecclesiastical authority on approval, that is, confirmation, of its decisions by the Holy See, may **introduce the vernacular **into:
a. the proclaiming of the lessons, epistle, and gospel; the universal prayer or prayer of the faithful;
b. as befits the circumstances of the place, the chants of the Ordinary of the Mass, namely, the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus-Benedictus, Agnus Dei, as well as the introit, offertory, and communion antiphons and the chants between the readings;
c. acclamations, greeting, and dialogue formularies, the Ecce Agnus Dei, Domine, non sum dignus, Corpus Christi at the communion of the faithful, and the Lord’s Prayer with its introduction and embolism
Tres Abhinc Annos
Second Instruction on the orderly carrying out of the Constitution on the Liturgy
**May 4, 1967 **
Sacred Congregation of Rites
VIII. Use of the Vernacular
28. The competent territorial authority observing those matters contained in the Constitution on the Liturgy art. 36, § 3 and § 4 may authorize use of the vernacular in liturgies celebrated with a congregation for:
The Canon of the Mass;b. all the rites of holy orders;
c. the reading of the Divine Office, even in choral recitation.
Eucharisticum Mysterium
Instruction on Eucharistic Worship
Sacred Congregation of Rites
B] May 25,196754. The
Tabernacle in the Middle of the Altar or in Some Other Part of the Church
"The Blessed Sacrament should be reserved in a solid, inviolable tabernacle in the middle of the main altar or on a secondary altar, but in a truly prominent place. Alternatively, according to legitimate customs and in individual cases to be decided by the local Ordinary, it may be placed in some other part of the church which is really worthy and properly equipped.
“****Mass may be celebrated facing the people ****even though there is a tabernacle on the altar, provided this is small yet adequate.”
Immensae Caritatis- **January 20, 1973
**In response therefore to the preferences of several conferences of bishops, the following norms are issued on:
- special ministers for distributing communion;
- broader faculty to receive communion twice in a day;
- mitigation of the eucharistic fast in favor of the sick and the elderly;
- devotion and reverence toward the blessed sacrament whenever the host is placed in the hand.
None of the above changes were in the Constitution.