What is the oldest order of Roman Catholic nuns?
The Carmelites as we know them didn’t exist until around the 12th century.Don’t know if they are the oldest order or not, but the Carmelites have got to be pretty close to it. They’ve been around for a very long time
Great information thank you! I’ve had a deep devotion to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. Joseph, and St. Francis DeSales my whole life. My husband did as well. I always thought I would become a Carmelite until I met him. More recently I’ve been thinking about third orders and the Salesians are interesting as well. But having kids so young I haven’t had much time to really even think deeply about any of it. One day when they are older and my life is less hectic I hope.The Carmelites as we know them didn’t exist until around the 12th century.
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The great Mendicant rising around the 13th century was a result of Our Lady calling to her sons on Earth, and requesting that they found religious communities for the sake of evangelization. The Servites were one, as were the Dominicans. The latter was a result of Our Lady asking her Son for an Order of Preachers who would spread His words across the Earth.
The Mercedarians and Trinitarians were founded to ransom Christians from the Moors, as well as preaching.
I don’t know which spiritual tradition we’re talking about, though. East or West? If East, then the Basilians are likely the oldest.
You’re in the Vincentian stage of a young family – leaving God for God. You still need to find an hour or so to spend time with God. Don’t forget to keep the kids on a schedule that includes the Angelus and Divine Mercy.Great information thank you! I’ve had a deep devotion to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. Joseph, and St. Francis DeSales my whole life. My husband did as well. I always thought I would become a Carmelite until I met him. More recently I’ve been thinking about third orders and the Salesians are interesting as well. But having kids so young I haven’t had much time to really even think deeply about any of it. One day when they are older and my life is less hectic I hope.
Currently stationed at Ft. Campbell, yes. Grew up in the other side of the state. We’ve visited the sisters at Mount St. Joseph and the Dominicans in Nashville. We do pray a lot as a family and I do pray throughout the day. At this point in life though that’s as much as I’m able.You’re in the Vincentian stage of a young family – leaving God for God. You still need to find an hour or so to spend time with God. Don’t forget to keep the kids on a schedule that includes the Angelus and Divine Mercy.
Theresa and deSales were both recommended by VatII for everyone to adapt. Profound humility before God and great sweetness toward neighbor (Salesian), along with the mystical development brought about through the use of the Carmelite writings.
If I recall correctly, you’re in KY. The Dominicans are in Louisville. The Carmelites closed their monastery and moved in with the Ursulines. There are other religious communities in the Bluegrass State, though.
There’s no problem with you developing your own Personal Prayer Rule, though.
Please don’t forget St. Joan of Arc and the Military Martyrs.Currently stationed at Ft. Campbell, yes. Grew up in the other side of the state. We’ve visited the sisters at Mount St. Joseph and the Dominicans in Nashville. We do pray a lot as a family and I do pray throughout the day. At this point in life though that’s as much as I’m able.