The One Campaign

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Hello all. I’d like to get as much feedback as possible about the “‘The One Campaign’ to make poverty history.” I’m sure many of you have heard of it or seen the ads on television. There are a host of celebrities who are endorsing it, including U2’s Bono, Brad Pitt, and even The 700 Club’s Pat Robertson.

Here is a quote from its website, :

What is The ONE Campaign?
ONE is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans – ONE by ONE – to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. The ONE Campaign is engaging Americans through a diverse coalition of faith-based and anti-poverty organizers to show the steps people can take, ONE by ONE, to fight global AIDS and poverty.

I’d like to find out what organizations are part of the campaign, and more importantly, how does The One Campaign square with the Catholic faith?

It certainly seems like a good, worthy cause, but I don’t want to become a part of it if it includes organizations that support abortion, contraception, etc.

Thanks for any and all information.
ONE by ONE, to fight global AIDS
I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but if it’s not a 100% Catholic organization, this usually means passing out condoms.
Hello all. I’d like to get as much feedback as possible about the “‘The One Campaign’ to make poverty history.” I’m sure many of you have heard of it or seen the ads on television. There are a host of celebrities who are endorsing it, including U2’s Bono, Brad Pitt, and even The 700 Club’s Pat Robertson.

Here is a quote from its website, :
yeah, whatever, been there done that, we had the war on poverty in the 60s and the campaign to end hunger, failed then because it became a political thing, but failed to acknowledge political realities, and it will fail again because words and slogans will be used to mean exactly what its backers want them to mean, i.e.
reproductive health = abortion
fighting AIDS = promoting condom use
safe sex = license for socially promoted promiscuity for all ages
ending hunger and poverty = UN promoted genocide promoted by refusing aid to Catholic countries which discourage ABC and abortion
poverty = too many people lets kill a few, preferably before they are born, so there is more money for the rich countries to hang over the head of poor countries as a bribe
…the biggest bang for your buck remains Catholic Charities!

don’t let the supposed failure of charities keep you from giving… pick and choose wisely, but please don’t stop giving…

As mentioned I am very touchy when thinking about joining a campaign or giving to an organization which is not 100% Catholic as there is risk that they will be taking your money and passing it out for condoms or using it for abortion.

P.S. Welcome Back Space Ghost
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