"The One True Faith" - Simply awesome

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In Detroit Michigan we have been blessed with a great Sunday program on secular television that “tells it like it is” with out all the candy coating.

I cannot say enough about this show, it is refreshing to have a Catholic program that teaches with such a direct honesty.

“The One True Faith” is in other areas too but not every where.

But to get a glimpse of what I am so excited about you can see some clips from the ‘youtube’ site and I have included a link. Also you can do a search at ‘youtube’ by typing in the words “one true faith”.


God Bless and Peace
Thanks for this, I love it.

I will put a link to it on our Parish website.
Thanks for this, I love it.

I will put a link to it on our Parish website.
You are welcome.

Actually, I should be saying thanks for viewing it and telling me what you thought.


God Bless you

Relevant Radio

Right now, on Relevant Radio, you can hear Michael Voris, the host of The One True Faith, talking about the Church and the media. (As soon as the current segment is over. 🙂 )

Michael is a 20 year veteran of the secular media, multiple Emmy Award winner, he has incredible insight into how the secular media views and reports on the Catholic Church.

Listen in now!! 😃

Posting an email update that just went out to those in the Saint Michael’s Media mailing list…
Dear Friend of Saint Michael’s Media,
May the blessings of Jesus Christ be on you and your house this coming Easter!

It is Palm Sunday this weekend – Easter is just around the corner! Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat! It is a time for new life – both the Resurrection of Jesus Christ but also the coming growth of Spring.

And it’s time for new activity here at Saint Michael’s Media! The taping schedule for the third season of The One True Faith has been confirmed and will begin on the 23rd of April in our Ferndale, Michigan studio – so start spreading the word! You can download a flier with show titles and taping dates from theonetruefaith.tv/season3.jpg – please give it to your friends and family, and pass it out at your Church.

And also pass it out at other churches, too! Because the theme of the third season of The One True Faith is “ecumenism” and understanding the relationship between the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and our separated brethren, the Protestants. This season will be a great opportunity for Protestants to better understand the truth of the Catholic faith and how that relates to their own beliefs.

You can register for FREE tickets by visiting theonetruefaith.tv/involabout.php or by calling 866-738-1207. .

It may be that you are a regular visitor to our tapings, or it may be that you have never been before. Whatever the case, you are more than welcome to come and watch the taping, as well as browse our lovely Catholic gift shop. Who knows? You might have a question to ask and end up being on television!

For directions to our studio, please visit theonetruefaith.tv/map.php or call 866-738-1207

If you would like posters, fliers or further information to promote the third season, just contact us. We will be happy to give you whatever you need.

Yours in Christ and Mary,

Simon Rafe
~Saint Michael’s Media Webmaster
Thought I would post the detail for each episode since I realized the link is only for the promo flier. 😃

Season Three of The One True Faith Taping Schedule
Monday April 23
Are Catholics really Christians?
An oft-asked question which causes puzzlement among Catholics is “Are you Christian?” Far from understanding the simple truth that Catholics are not only Christian, but are in fact the first Christians and the only ones who keep to the pure faith as Jesus taught it, many Protestants are confused by authentic Christianity. Join host Michael Voris as he shows that Catholics are not only Christian, but that the claims of other groups to authentic Christianity might not be as secure as they think.
Thursday May 3
What is the Catholic Church?
The Catholic Church is the best-known and perhaps most misunderstood organization in the history of the world. The Vatican, the Roman Church, the Bride of Christ, His Mystical Body – what do all these terms mean, and how should they be used? Most importantly, what promises did God Himself make regarding the Church and how can we see those being kept today? Join Michael Voris as he answers these and more questions.
Tuesday May 8
Catholics and Protestants
“I pray, Father, that they may all be one, as You and I are one.” The body of Christian believers is supposed to be whole and unified, but now – 2000 years after Christ prayed that prayer – it is split into almost 40,000 different denominations. Join host Michael Voris as he explores the great divide in Christianity between the Church that Jesus Christ founded and Her separated brethren – the Protestants
Monday May 14
Confessing your Sins
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” All have sinned and fallen short of perfection – and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation of the Catholic Church we can be assured of forgiveness. Join host Michael Voris as he explains the process of this misunderstood sacrament and shows that it is in fact scriptural and one of the greatest gifts Jesus left to His people.
Thursday May 24
What happened to the Catholic Church?
The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ and His Bride – yet sometimes it can seem as if She does not live up to such lofty expectations. Join host Michael Voris as he addresses the nature of the Church, Her role, and the damage that has been done to Her from both within and without – and shows how our expectations and criticisms are often hypocritical and unjustified.
Thursday May 31
Where did the Bible come from?
Although all Christians agree that the Bible is the word of God, how did the bestselling book of all time come to be? Who were the men and women who wrote the words contained in it? How and when was it decided which books would be in the Bible, and who translated those books from Greek and Hebrew? And how has the Bible survived through thousands of years of persecution when other books have mouldered to dust?



Monday June 4
The Papacy
“You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church” are the clear words of Christ in the Gospels – yet misunderstandings about the nature of the Papacy abound. Join host Michael Voris as he address such issues as Papal infallibility, “binding and loosing” and the importance of the Bishop of Rome.
Thursday June 14
The Church Fathers
The authentic Christian faith – the Catholic Church – was personally founded by Jesus Christ, yet He Himself wrote nothing down. He sent the Holy Spirit to teach all Truth to His Church, and used the Church Fathers to elucidate the teachings of the early Church. Join host Michael Voris as he explores the role of these early Christian scholars, and asks why – when they purport to reject everything else of Catholicism – so many of the Protestant sects say they set such stock by them.
Tuesday June 19
There’s only One True Church
When Christ spoke of the Church, He always used the singular – and yet now there are over 40,000 different denominations of Christians in the world, with the number only rising daily. If these Churches hold conflicting views, can all of them be the “True Church”? Can there be such a thing as a “True Church”, and does it still exist? Join host Michael Voris as he answers these questions and shows that the One True Church is the Catholic Church.
Monday June 25
12 Catholic Myths
“Don’t you think Mary is God?” “You worship statues, right?” “Catholics don’t read the Bible!” All Catholics have heard these lies and more – join host Michael Voris as he tackles a dozen of the most common myths head-on, answering once and for all those who might believe them, and providing you with solid arguments if you are presented with such falsehoods.
Thursday July 12
Sin, Grace and Conscience
In our modern world, we are told that there is no such thing as sin – that we must act “according to our conscience” and everything will be okay. Newsflash : our consciences must be properly informed if they are to help prevent us from falling into sin. Join host Michael Voris as he shows that sin is not only very real and very dangerous, but that without grace and an informed conscience were are defenseless against it.
Tuesday July 17
Indulgences – The Treasury of the Church
Far from being a method created by the Church in the Middle Ages to supplement the wealth of the Papacy, indulgences are a beautiful gift from God to the Church, and an example of the mercy of God extending even after death. Join host Michael Voris as he reveals all this and more, and also shows how you can obtain indulgences for you and your loved ones.
Monday July 23
Joy of the Faith
Unlike many of the puritan Protestant reformers, Catholics celebrate their faith, not mourn it. But this is not a merely physical pleasure; the Catholic faith is a spiritual joy which eclipses earthly pleasures. Join Michael Voris as he reveals the central, fundamental reason for being Catholic – the Joy of the Faith.

The only way I have of hearing this show is via the podcasts. 10,l 12 & 13 still to appear for season two. I look forward to receiving them, I really really enjoy the show.
Has anyone ever gone to a taping? I really like this show and dvr it every week. It’s been a great help for me, understanding the church as I come back into it. I can’t recommend it enough. I might like to go to a taping sometime in the future.

The only way I have of hearing this show is via the podcasts. 10,l 12 & 13 still to appear for season two. I look forward to receiving them, I really really enjoy the show.
My DH is working feverishly on the final ones to get them out as quickly as possible, so keep looking for them, they should be out there soon! 😃

So glad you enjoy the show - I’m really excited about season three, I think the topics are going to be great!

It’s a shame the show can’t be seen on the web - living in the UK I’ve no chance of watching an episode, so the podcasts are a great resource. What I like is the facts are presented, in an easy to understand manner.

Tell your ‘DH’ that his work is appreciated 🙂
It’s a shame the show can’t be seen on the web - living in the UK I’ve no chance of watching an episode, so the podcasts are a great resource. What I like is the facts are presented, in an easy to understand manner.

Tell your ‘DH’ that his work is appreciated 🙂
You can see some clips of the show on YouTube - just search for “The One True Faith” or “Michael Voris”, who is the host. 😃

I’ll PM you some additional detail that I’m not allowed to post on the forum due to non-solicitation rules.


After a nice, but very busy, summer hiatus, The One True Faith will return to the airwaves this Sunday in the Detroit viewing area!

Sunday evenings at 6:30pm
WADL - Channel 38 (if you have cable, see what your cable listing channel number is for this channel)

Thanks to all our loyal supporters! 👍

You are most welcome! We are pretty excited to get back on the air locally - though we have been on in eight additional markets across the country all summer.

Enjoy! Let us know what you think of the new season! 👍

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