The Orthodox Saints

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Does the Catholic Church recognize Orthodox saints?
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There are Saints that are recognized by both Catholics and Orthodox, but there are Saints that Catholics do not recognize that the Orthodox have (like Alexander Nevsky) and the Orthodox do not recognize Saints that Catholics have (like St. Pius X).
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We don’t recognize as a saint anyone who was Orthodox, but we share many saints- the Virgin Mary and the blessed Apostles, but also later figures like St. John Chrysostom.
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Generally, all the pre-schism saints can be venerated in either church.
Post-schism, you can privately venerate anyone you think is in Heaven. Sometimes Popes have also said complimentary things about some Orthodox saints.
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The Church also recognizes Eastern post-schism Saints when they were from an area where the schism hadn’t affected yet. I’ve seen shared Eastern Saints into the 1300s.
Or there are situations when an Eastern church that is now in communion recognizes saints from the period between the time of schism and the time or reunion. For example, both the Ruthenian and Melkite Churches venerate St. Gregory Palamas.
There are actually many saints that Eastern Catholics venerate that are (technically) Orthodox saints. St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Theophan the Recluse, and St. Ignatius Brianchaninov come immediately to mind. These are all men who were not in canonical communion with Rome when they died, but who are honored as saints among Eastern (Byzantine) Catholics, and their writings are held in the highest esteem.

Lest we think that canonical communion with Rome is necessary for sainthood, I would point out that St. Gregory of Narek, whom Pope Francis declared a Doctor of the Church, was not in communion with Rome at the time of his death.
St. John of San Francisco was a Russian Orthodox of the 20th Century. He’s a great example of a recent Orthodox saint.
We Byzantine Catholics have Saint Gregory Palamas on our calendar and St. John Paul II has referred to numerous Orthodox saints as saints.

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