Next, carrying the cross. Although in the movie Christ is shown carrying an entire wooden cross, in actuality he probably would’ve only carried the horizontal crossbar which would’ve later been fixed to a vertical stake. The crossbar still would’ve been very heavy, probably between 100-150 pounds. Top that with the trauma Jesus just experienced from being flogged, scourged, and crowned with thorns. It’s not hard to see why it was impossible for him to carry it without Simon Cyrene stepping in.
Next is the actual crucifixion. This would’ve been the worst. In the movie Jesus is shown having his hands nailed, but in actuality it was most likely his wrists. The Romans did this for two reasons. 1. If he was nailed through the hands his body weight mostly likely would’ve just caused the nails to rip through and he would’ve fallen off the cross. 2. There was much much much much more pain if the nails are put through the wrist. The median nerve which runs from the funny bone to the wrists is there, and that’s why when you hit your funny bone it, well, feels funny (but not in a good way!) There would be shocks of pain throughout both his arms that would’ve been excruciating.
As for the feet, in truth, we aren’t really sure how the Romans nailed someones feet through. Although recent evidence suggests the victims feet were possibly tied to opposite sides of the vertical stake and then a nail was shoved through the heels which would’ve also been very painful and basically would’ve crippled a person. It’s also possible a variety of different methods were used so we’re not really sure. But it still would’ve been very very painful as well.
While on the cross, the victim would have trouble breathing due to their raised arms. Jesus would’ve had to constantly pull his body upwards just to get a breath, but as he did this the nails would be pushing against the nerves in his wrists. So either way he would be in a major amount of pain and discomfort. On top of that, from constantly rubbing up against the wood there would be a lot of splinters in his wounds and a lot of dirt and rocks stuck in there as well which would’ve made them all the more painful. Certain insects might also come and lay parasitic eggs inside of the wounds as well. It’s not hard to see why Jesus died in just a few hours from all of this.
So the crucifixion would’ve been 10x worse than it’s depicted in the movie. Christ in his infinite love went through all of that for our sake.