The Passover Synpotic "Problem"

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Does anyone know of any articles written by orthodox Catholic Theologians about the apparent synoptic “problem” about the passover and its relation to the paschal tridiuum? The Synoptic gospels record that what we observe as the Lord’s supper on Maundy Thursday was the passover sedar (that was the evening of the Spring full moon.) St. John’s Gospel records that Good Friday evening was the passover and Christ was killed at the hour that the paschal lambs were being slaughtered in the temple.

I remember a Catholic telling me a while back that he read that there were two rival groups at the time of Christ who debated over the passover. Making one group observing it earlier then the others, perhaps it was a debate of when it technically is the full moon. Anyways, has anyone else heard of this?
Well some solid things we can get from all of the gospels are: Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem on a Sunday. The Thursday evening of that week he gathered with the Apostles for the Last Supper, since all three of the synoptic gospels state Our Lord insistuted the eucharist there, I assume St. John chose to omit this becase: A. he talked about in Chapter 6, B. since the other gospels already mentioned it, he wanted to focus on something he felt was important that the other evangelists may have overlooked; the mandatum. The gospels agree that Jesus was tried and crucified on a Friday and women witnessed his death and went home because Saturday was approaching. The gospels record that some of these women returned to the tomb early Sunday morning and found it empty.
Does anyone know of any articles written by orthodox Catholic Theologians about the apparent synoptic “problem” about the passover and its relation to the paschal tridiuum? The Synoptic gospels record that what we observe as the Lord’s supper on Maundy Thursday was the passover sedar (that was the evening of the Spring full moon.) St. John’s Gospel records that Good Friday evening was the passover and Christ was killed at the hour that the paschal lambs were being slaughtered in the temple.

I remember a Catholic telling me a while back that he read that there were two rival groups at the time of Christ who debated over the passover. Making one group observing it earlier then the others, perhaps it was a debate of when it technically is the full moon. Anyways, has anyone else heard of this?
In one of the Ignatius Study Bible books done by Scott Hahn, I believe it’s in the Gospel of John, there is a side article about this. It mentions the possibility of one group following a lunar calendar and the other a solar calendar. If I recall correctly, I believe that one of the calendars would’ve placed the Passover on Tuesday. The article goes on to say that that would allow for the time it would’ve taken for all that happened to Jesus before his crucifixtion–going to Herod, etc.
any part of a day is considered a full day in Jewish thinking of Jesus’s day. The Sabbath starts at 6 pm Friday – thus if one source recalls it using non-Jewish time and the other using Jewish clock, that could explain the variance.

does that help any?
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