there is no such thing as the Problem of Evil. allow me to demonstrate.
therefore there is no Problem of Evil.
Working assumptions
Info-gap decision theory employs three simple constructs to capture the uncertainty associated with decision problems:
1.A parameter whose true value is subject to severe uncertainty.
2.A region of uncertainty where the true value of lies.
3.An estimate of the true value of .
It should be pointed out, though, that as such these constructs are generic, meaning that they can be employed to model situations where the uncertainty is not severe but mild, indeed very mild. So it is vital to be clear that to give apt expression to the severity of the uncertainty, in the Info-Gap framework these three constructs are given specific meaning.
Working Assumptions
1.The region of uncertainty is relatively large.
In fact, Ben-Haim (2006, p. 210) indicates that in the context of info-gap decision theory most of the commonly encountered regions of uncertainty are unbounded.
2.The estimate is a poor approximation of the true value of .
That is, the estimate is a poor indication of the true value of (Ben-Haim, 2006, p. 280) and is likely to be substantially wrong (Ben-Haim, 2006, p. 281).
In the picture represents the true (unknown) value of .
as illustrated by this critique of info-gap decision theory, while one may have an estimate of the most moral possible way to govern the universe, you are operating from only the information you know, the possible ranges of information relevant to any particular event can be nearly infinite, therefore your estimate, based on only the information one has, is insufficient to draw valid conclusions about the morality of G-d, who by His omniscient nature has access to all pertinent information and is then able to make decisions based on information you do not know.**The point to note here is that conditions of severe uncertainty entail that the estimate can – relatively speaking – be very distant from the true value . This is particularly pertinent for methodologies, like info-gap, that seek robustness to uncertainty. Indeed, assuming otherwise would – methodologically speaking – be tantamount to engaging in wishful thinking **.
therefore there is no Problem of Evil.