In my country, Poland, the Constitutional Court has condemned lately the abortion when the child is presumed to be severely handicapped and is in danger of death. Earlier it was one of the situations (others being when life of a pregnant woman is endangered or the baby was conceived because of rape) when abortion was still accepted. A lot of people in Poland are protesting against the new ban, which I think is moral. I find the popular pro-abortion argument: “women should be allowed to decide what they want to do with their body” to be selfish and ignorant, because fetus is a distinct being and moms can’t just treat their children like slaves that do not have any free will. It’s not the motherly love. But there is another thing that bothers me: “What if the child, after being born, will die after a short time? What if the children is born with brain or heart outside of their body (or with even worse mutations) and they suffer greatly until they die?” I can’t even imagine how these babies must feel. And the next problem is: “What about the trauma that mom experiences, whe she sees the pain of her child?”. I haven’t experienced something like that but it must be something terrible!
My take on this subject is: For Christians, it’s more valuable to give birth to a handicapped child. You can baptise them, so they will surely go to Heaven. I’m not saying that non-baptized children go to hell, but we aren’t sure. So it is then a justified choice to give birth. But from atheistic perspective it’s not worth it. It is just extending their pain.
My second thought is: It is better to give birth to a child because even though they will experience pain, they might also experience love from their parents. In my opinion a life full of pain and the same amount of love is more valuable than a life without pain and love. But I’m not sure if a baby can feel their mother’s love. And it would be extremely hard to hug and kiss a children that is mutated to a point where they no longer resemble a human.
Also, when answering something related to motherhood, it is worth to look at the Greatest Mother - Mary. She witnessed her Son’s Road of the Cross. She probably knew that He’s going to suffer greatly when dying on the cross. And yet…she didn’t take a spear from a random soldier so she could shorten her Son’s torment. She instead stayed by Him. She was with Him until His last breath. I think it’s showing us that a true mother doesn’t necessarily shorten the pain of her child but she’s supporting them in harder times. Even if the only support they can give is standing by them.
What is your take on this subject? How would you answer to these problems?
My take on this subject is: For Christians, it’s more valuable to give birth to a handicapped child. You can baptise them, so they will surely go to Heaven. I’m not saying that non-baptized children go to hell, but we aren’t sure. So it is then a justified choice to give birth. But from atheistic perspective it’s not worth it. It is just extending their pain.
My second thought is: It is better to give birth to a child because even though they will experience pain, they might also experience love from their parents. In my opinion a life full of pain and the same amount of love is more valuable than a life without pain and love. But I’m not sure if a baby can feel their mother’s love. And it would be extremely hard to hug and kiss a children that is mutated to a point where they no longer resemble a human.
Also, when answering something related to motherhood, it is worth to look at the Greatest Mother - Mary. She witnessed her Son’s Road of the Cross. She probably knew that He’s going to suffer greatly when dying on the cross. And yet…she didn’t take a spear from a random soldier so she could shorten her Son’s torment. She instead stayed by Him. She was with Him until His last breath. I think it’s showing us that a true mother doesn’t necessarily shorten the pain of her child but she’s supporting them in harder times. Even if the only support they can give is standing by them.
What is your take on this subject? How would you answer to these problems?