The REAL Reason Pope Francis Restricted the Latin Mass

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A good solid, common sense commentary sans the conspiracy theories, by Michael Lofton of Reason and Theology.

Well we may never know the true motive behind this encyclical, but I’m thankful that the TLM is still thriving and it appears that the restrictions are not being felt in many dioceses.
I personally think that if the hostility towards Vatican II, the Ordinary Form of the Mass and the aspirations that don’t conform to the direction of the Church (ie the return of Catholic monarchy as the social government), can be recognised and quashed, the TLM can exist peacefully alongside the OF.
Yes the TLM really seems to hold a great appeal to some people for it’s aesthetics. There’s every chance that it could be an option once the movement renews commitment and obedience to the Magisterium and Pope.
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