I have a lot of liberal friends from college who are my friends on Facebook.I also have a lot of Christian friends.
I share pro-life stuff all the time. Every time I check it, which is about 4 days per week.
Very rarely will my Christian friends have the courage to share any of this material. Such as “A fetus has fingerprints at 9 weeks” or pro-life articles, etc … But I tell you what, my pro-choice friends have PLENTY to say about them. I don’t back off from a debate either and I’ve basically “won” most of my arguments.
One friend from high school today actually quoted Kermit the Frog as a counter-response to a pro-life quote from Alice Von Hildebrand. He said, “Quotin Kermit, ain’t nobody’s business.” I made him look like an idiot, believe me. I’m far more educated than he and let him know it and anyone who reads our discussion will know it. He’s an example of a small-potato pro-choicer, one who may be totally uneducated on the subject or willfully ignorant. They comprise a portion of the pro-choice movement … not sure how much.
The problem is with my educated friends, doctors, who are pro-choice. They KNOW life begins at conception. They even admit it! One colleague of mine told me that the 1.6 million babies aborted in the United States every year are better off dead. They’re mostly black and hispanic and she thought no white people would want to adopt them and that we didn’t need the additional welfare people. I got into a heated ,but intelligent debate with her. We’re intellectual equals. Same age. Same race. Same education. She swears up and down she’s not willfully ignorant, but then says, “but I’m really not advocating genocide.”
She then said she’s really a “good person” because she’s, “pro-people already here.”
I then called her out. She was contradicting herself by admitting a fetus is a human being and that life begins at conception. I argued that unborn babies are, in fact, “people already here.” So why didn’t she support them, too?
I finally challenged her: She’s a doctor. She should spend one day in a busy abortion clinic observing “surgery.” In Oregon, there are no limits. She should request the opportunity to see a woman exercising her right to a late-term abortion. I challenged her to make it through on day at an abortion clinic observing this “surgery.” If she left the building pro-choice, then I’d never argue with her again.
To my knowledge, she’s too much of a coward to do it. To cowardly to confront herself. Or … she really is firm in her opinion and think’s it’s morally justifiable to murder unborn babies. I fear it’s the latter!!!
This friend is Catholic, too. It’s sad. One question I’ve saved until last for my friend is this: “So you advocate murdering people who’ve never sinned?” That’s a good question to ask “Christians” who are pro-choice. I mean, having a abortion is like killing Jesus himself. Right?
I’m observing a HUGE and sudden surge in this degree of cold-hearted callousness from the pro-choice camp. I don’t think most of them are willfully ignorant anymore. They just don’t care, or love themselves FAR more.
It makes me angry that my Christian friends on Facebook don’t share pro-life articles or posts or don’t join me in a debate! I did find ONE person … a friend of a friend … who chimed in and I send him a friend request and we are buds. I mean, WHERE ARE YOU ???
It disturbs me deeply to discover this degree of Nazi-like cruelty amongst my own friends and it disturbs me that my Christian friends are totally apathetic.
How do you respond to people who are THAT cold? They are, in my opinion, beyond the help of prayer because their hearts are the temperature of absolute zero, It would take a miracle to bring these people back to reality.
We are considered radical for believing that unborn babies are human and that’s so wrong on so many levels.
I mean, pastors should be talking about this issue EVERY SUNDAY. Work it into the homily. Pound the issue into peoples brains until they care. I hardly ever hear about abortion at the pulpit.
And that doesn’t go for only Catholic priest but for pastors of every other Christian denomination in America! **Nothing matters more than this issue! **