The reality of reality

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I was wondering if anyone would care to comment on this video:

I realize that it treads dangerously close to the banned subject of evolution, but what I’m particularly interested in is how willing people are to entertain the notion that reality may not be exactly what it appears to be.

Are you willing to even consider the possibility that your understanding of reality, is wrong?
I was wondering if anyone would care to comment on this video:

I realize that it treads dangerously close to the banned subject of evolution, but what I’m particularly interested in is how willing people are to entertain the notion that reality may not be exactly what it appears to be.

Are you willing to even consider the possibility that your understanding of reality, is wrong?
I have seen this particular video before, and, while the idea that our perception does not reflect “true reality” is interesting, the argument omits the important influence of cultural variation on the perception of reality, such that diverse cultures perceive reality in different ways with regard to both the process of perception and its outcome. The assumption in the video is that there is only one biological and cognitive way in which the distorted perception of reality has developed, but this is not necessarily the case, as several psychological, sociocultural studies have indicated.
What would be the point of this mind-game?

We already know that the model of the world generated by our human sensorium is incomplete (there are colors we do not see, things we cannot smell, etc), yet, for the purpose of living life, we have to trust our senses. We have no choice.

I have seen this particular video before, and, while the idea that our perception does not reflect “true reality” is interesting, the argument omits the important influence of cultural variation on the perception of reality, such that diverse cultures perceive reality in different ways with regard to both the process of perception and its outcome. The assumption in the video is that there is only one biological and cognitive way in which the distorted perception of reality has developed, but this is not necessarily the case, as several psychological, sociocultural studies have indicated.
You would have to address the speaker directly to see how he would defend his position. My purpose isn’t to advocate for or against it, but rather to see how open the people on this forum are to its implications. It’s possible that reality isn’t what we perceive it to be. And that God isn’t what we perceive Him to be either. To me, the human propensity for deception means that above all else the standard with which I measure my own beliefs should be even greater than the standard with which I measure yours. Reason dictates that we should be humble when arguing for things that we cannot be certain are true, and that truth is hardest to find for he who believes he’s already found it.

This thread is simply about how open people are to the possibility that the world isn’t at all what they believe it to be.
What would be the point of this mind-game?

We already know that the model of the world generated by our human sensorium is incomplete (there are colors we do not see, things we cannot smell, etc), yet, for the purpose of living life, we have to trust our senses. We have no choice.
The point is to encourage people to do perhaps the most difficult thing of all, question what they believe to be true. The purpose isn’t to diminish the value of life, the purpose is to enrich it by continuing the age old quest to understand it. And in so understanding it, deepen it.

The purpose is to encourage men to do what men have always done, ask why. It’s up to wiser men than I to determine the value of the answer.
The point is to encourage people to do perhaps the most difficult thing of all, question what they believe to be true. The purpose isn’t to diminish the value of life, the purpose is to enrich it by continuing the age old quest to understand it. And in so understanding it, deepen it.

The purpose is to encourage men to do what men have always done, ask why. It’s up to wiser men than I to determine the value of the answer.
I hit the wrong button, here is what I intended to send:

Your question introduces one of the more interesting subjects confronting anyone interested in the true nature of reality. If you have read any of my previous posts you may have run across my contention that reality is not only divided tangentially into objective, subjective, rational, and transcendental realities, but also radially into an explicate level and an implicate level. The explicate level is the reality we experience directly and science describes mathematically. The implicate level is the reality that God creates and sustains. They are different in three ways:

(1) at the explicate level the foundation of reality is continuous space; at the implicate level the foundation reality is discrete space,

(2) at the explicate level the model of reality is mathematical equations; at the implicate level the model of reality is algorithmic.

(3) at the explicate level the impetus of reality is energy; at the implicate level the impetus of reality is information.

What kind of ideas do you have about the unreality of reality?
Are you willing to even consider the possibility that your understanding of reality, is wrong?
If I am relying upon my own intelligence and imagination, I am willing to consider the possibility that much of my understanding of reality is wrong. I have found myself wrong too often not to believe this.

I also believe there are some things about reality of which I can be certain by faith and trust in the word of the Lord. But humility is required that we may defer to the word of the Lord. Those who lack humility will never understand this. For example, they will defy the word of the Lord so that they may deify themselves as the last word on everything.
What kind of ideas do you have about the unreality of reality
Sorry for the slow response. Sometimes I just need a little time to contemplate my reply. I’ve found from experience that it’s often better to give no reply at all, rather than a weak or contrived one. Although some may argue that it would always be better if I went with the no reply option. Also I would like to apologize at the outset if the subject of evolution should occasionally trickle into this reply. I bring it up more as a point of illustration than as a subject for debate. But bear with me if I commit an obvious forum indiscretion.

I do indeed have my own opinions as to the “unreality of reality”, which the fact that it says “solipsist” in the upper right hand corner of this post would no doubt have alerted the observant reader to. And yes, I do tend toward the idea that reality exists solely in the mind of the observer. I realize that most readers will find such a position inherently moronic. But I hope to show that it’s not as ludicrous as it may at first appear.

In order to even begin to accept the idea that I might not be a complete idiot one must first consider the premise raised in the OP, that reality isn’t what we perceive it to be. When you look at the things around you, like your computer for example, you see a solid, substantial physical object. But through the course of history, evermore detailed examination has shown us that things aren’t nearly as solid and substantial as they appear to be. Your mind creates a sense of solidity out of a world that’s really quite ethereal. In fact it’s debatable as to the sense in which reality has any meaningful physical aspects at all. Whether you choose to believe that reality is made up of pointlike particles, or strings, or quantum fields, reality is at its simplest, quite immaterial. In fact quantum theory suggests that reality coalesces out of potentiality only in the presence of an observer. It’s up for debate as to what exactly constitutes an observer, but none-the-less reality emerges from potentiality to become what we perceive to be a solid, tangible physical world. But is it?

Well you might say, so what if reality isn’t exactly as palpable as we perceive it to be, it still functions in the same predictable manner that we’ve come to rely upon. Cause and effect, past, present, and future, everything behaves as if the world is made up of real physical objects, so why should we belabor the point? The world is real. Just accept it. This is a perfectly legitimate argument. The world is the way it is, deal with it. The problem is that people being the inquisitive sort of beings that they are, aren’t satisfied with simply understanding the way things are, they want to know why things are the way they are. They want to know if there’s a God. They want to know whether the universe really was created in a big bang fourteen billion years ago, and if so, what caused the big bang. We’re human, we want to know, and so it matters. Faith alone is a very noble characteristic, and yet still we look for answers, because that’s what we do.

And so we look at the world around us and ask why it is the way it is, and we come up with answers that fall into two basic categories: It just naturally evolved this way, or God created it this way. Neither of these two answers actually settles the debate into why or where the world came from, but they give us differing positions from which to argue the point, and that seems to be something which we humans find oddly satisfying. The scientists and evolutionists argue that the universe came into being in a big bang fourteen or so billions years ago, and then slowly evolved over time into matter, and then galaxies, and stars, and planets, and life, and intelligence, and us, the inquisitive beings who sit here now and ponder why. In essence, some unknown process gave rise to stuff, and the stuff gave rise to us.

But wait a minute, why is it necessarily the case that the stuff gave rise to us, couldn’t we have given rise to the stuff? This is the point at which I usually begin to lose people, because they’ll ask the logical question of…huh! Perhaps if we look at it a little differently it might not seem so preposterous. Current theory proposes that from the big bang evolved a complex and intricate web of what we refer to as, stuff, and through a perfectly natural and predictable process of evolution that stuff created consciousness, us. We’re the product of what Carl Sagan would call, “Star stuff”. But isn’t it at least possible that what emerged from that complex and intricate web wasn’t stuff at all, but rather consciousness, and then through a perfectly natural and predictable process of evolution, that consciousness gave rise to stuff. But how, you might ask, could consciousness create a coherent universe of stuff out of whole cloth, out of nothing. That seems a bit far-fetched. You can’t just dream up a coherent reality. Or can you?


In evolution there’s a process known as convergence, or recurrence. They hold that certain patterns will naturally arise through the predictable process of evolution. For example, creatures will naturally evolve two eyes instead of one eye or three, because two eyes are superior in their capabilities, while three eyes come at a cost that isn’t offset by its benefits. So even if life were to evolve on other planets, they would likely have two eyes. But what does this have to do with how a consciousness could evolve a coherent reality? It means that it would evolve a coherent reality through the exact same process that science says drives evolution in the physical world. That which works, survives, that which doesn’t, dies. For consciousness this means that contradictions and paradoxes would continually be weeded out because they lead to the occurrence of cognitive dissonance which is the death knell for consciousness. Convergence, through the process of natural selection would inexorably lead consciousness to create a coherent reality in the same way that evolutionists believe that it led to the evolution of us. Either way, whether you believe that stuff gave rise to consciousness or that consciousness gave rise to stuff, the same mechanisms would govern the process and lead to the emergence of worlds that would be virtually indistinguishable. It’s not that consciousness would arise and then say, oh I need to think up some stuff to explain my existence, it’s rather that the two things, consciousness and the context in which it exists would arise together. Before consciousness could construct the notion of “I am” it needed to have in place a concept of what I am. And for that it needed to evolve a coherent concept of the world, and everything within it. The two things, consciousness and context go hand in hand. They must emerge simultaneously. But it’s consciousness that drives the process toward the emergence of stuff, not the other way around.

Now hopefully I’ve explained this concept well enough that it’s not totally incomprehensible. If so, you’ll probably ask, how can we tell the difference if the outcome of the two processes is virtually indistinguishable? For that we have to go back to what it looks like when we look really, really close. Keep in mind, consciousness is immaterial, stuff isn’t. And so in this day and age, as science probes ever deeper into the increasingly tenuous nature of the world around us, we have to ask ourselves, is there really any stuff there at all? Or is reality solely in my mind? Am I the observer in my own private quantum reality?

Of course this would mean that we’re not a reflection of the world, the world is a reflection of us. And God didn’t create a world of suffering and evil, we did. But just as convergence predicts the path of evolution it may also predict our paths as well. The evolution of consciousness may always follow a similar path. One with which God is well aware. And if reality exists solely in my mind, then the only one suffering is me, and the only one responsible is me. And if you exist in your own reality as well, then convergence says that you’re likely traveling a similar path as I am, and we should arrive in a similar place. Where that path leads we can’t say, but God may already know.

Of course this may all be complete nonsense, but that’s the beauty of humanity, we each follow our own path and only time decides which of us is right. Or it may decide that none of us is right because that’s not its purpose. Its purpose may be the journey, not the destination. So always remember, cherish the journey.
I know that I am fallible , but I also know`that I am not completely fallible, because somethings I know are external to me, objective. I understand my senses are reliable, even though I may interpret what I sense wrongly. Also I have some knowledge of universal truths which help me to discern what is and what isn’t. So I am confident that I can know reality, even if not completely. there is also the element of my Christian faith which has provided me with “experiential truth”, believing what I could not see, and seeing what I believed. So I am very confident that I really experienced reality, if only in part.
What would be the point of this mind-game?

Thats the million dollar question!!

I read a recent article about how a few scientists found what we call ‘reality’ and the fabric of reality, acknowledged in modern science, is very similar in structure to a hologram.

Ive thought about this topic before, kind of similar to the theory that we are actually living in a ‘matrix’ type world, where what we see, hear and smell every day is not really ‘real’, Im not sure about it, but the definite question, if this were true, would be a big WHY, whats the point? But I guess that is beyond what we can understand.

It should be interesting to see how future experiments into these types of theories go, Id be excited if someone came along and could prove this to be true…it would probably change the world overnight.
Thats the million dollar question!!

I read a recent article about how a few scientists found what we call ‘reality’ and the fabric of reality, acknowledged in modern science, is very similar in structure to a hologram.

Ive thought about this topic before, kind of similar to the theory that we are actually living in a ‘matrix’ type world, where what we see, hear and smell every day is not really ‘real’, Im not sure about it, but the definite question, if this were true, would be a big WHY, whats the point? But I guess that is beyond what we can understand.

It should be interesting to see how future experiments into these types of theories go, Id be excited if someone came along and could prove this to be true…it would probably change the world overnight.
Actually, there are a number of theories that have been proposed that support the possibility that we are indeed living in a hologram. In fact Fermilab is currently running an experiment that seeks to find evidence that the universe is indeed just such a hologram.

Which means that the point of this “mind game” is that in the not too distant future you just might be able to create your own personal universe on your Xbox or Mac. At which point claiming that God created the universe ain’t gonna be very impressive now is it. Not when any 5 year old can do it. At that point we’ll be able to judge God for His actions, and not His narcissistic status as creator of the universe.

I realize that that sounds kind of harsh, but it does illustrate that this is more than just a simple mind game.
Actually, there are a number of theories that have been proposed that support the possibility that we are indeed living in a hologram. In fact Fermilab is currently running an experiment that seeks to find evidence that the universe is indeed just such a hologram.

Which means that the point of this “mind game” is that in the not too distant future you just might be able to create your own personal universe on your Xbox or Mac. At which point claiming that God created the universe ain’t gonna be very impressive now is it. Not when any 5 year old can do it. At that point we’ll be able to judge God for His actions, and not His narcissistic status as creator of the universe.

I realize that that sounds kind of harsh, but it does illustrate that this is more than just a simple mind game.
Yes, you are right, once we get a better understanding of this ‘hologram’ and how the fabric of reality actually works, when it comes to interaction with the human body/ mind and things in the physical world, we are going to have alot of problems!

For instance, if everyone knew how to effect this hologram to their benefit, nearly all safety and security would be out the door…there would be nothing stopping anyone from doing anything they liked, someone could just go to a bank vault, ‘effect its reality’, go in and take whatever they want, there would be nothing anyone could do about it, jails would be useless. This and many other things will be suddenly possible, once we reach this level of technology, we probably would not last much longer, we would destroy ourselves.
…once we get a better understanding of this ‘hologram’ and how the fabric of reality actually works, when it comes to interaction with the human body/ mind and things in the physical world, we are going to have alot of problems
Actually, when you consider the implications of reality as a hologram they’re exceedingly more positive than they are negative. For instance, if reality is a hologram then that implies that reality has a creator. And if reality has a creator, then reality most likely has a purpose. And that means that it would be far more desirable to be living in a simulated reality with a distinct purpose, than to be living in a naturally occurring reality with no discernible purpose at all, other than to live for a short while, propagate, and die.

One of the aspects of a simulated reality that some may find troubling however, is that it’s far easier to simulate a reality with only one consciousness in it, than it is to simulate a reality with billions of consciousnesses in it. After all, if you only have one consciousness, than all you have to simulate at any one time is the environment being directly experienced by that consciousness. You don’t need to simulate anything else. So if reality is a simulation, then the odds are that you’re the only one in it.

Now to a lot of people this idea is quite troubling, because if they’re the only consciousness that actually exists, then none of their friends are real, and none of their loved ones are real. They find such a scenario to be truly abhorrent. To which I would simply reply, are you kidding me? You live in a reality where a young woman in India can be raped and killed by a gang on a bus. Where a pilot in Syria can be locked in a cage and burned alive. Where a child in Florida can be abducted, raped, and murdered. And you believe this to be superior to a reality in which the only one suffering is you. Be honest, which do you think a benevolent God would create, a physical reality in which billions suffer, or a simulated one in which the only one suffering is you?

Ah, but you claim that it’s our fault, and that it’ll be worth it in the end, for it’s only for a little while, and the righteous will live forever in heaven. But I say that the righteous can still live forever in heaven without anyone needing to suffer beyond what I myself suffer. If it would save one child from torment, then I would gladly be deceived for a little while. And I believe that a benevolent God could find a way to teach me compassion, and empathy, and love without making one person suffer to do it.

So I don’t dread the idea that reality may be a simulation. For it means that there’s a creator, and it means that there’s a purpose. It may not fit perfectly into some people’s conceptions of God, but why does God have to fit into what we conceive Him to be?
Actually, when you consider the implications of reality as a hologram they’re exceedingly more positive than they are negative. For instance, if reality is a hologram then that implies that reality has a creator. And if reality has a creator, then reality most likely has a purpose. And that means that it would be far more desirable to be living in a simulated reality with a distinct purpose, than to be living in a naturally occurring reality with no discernible purpose at all, other than to live for a short while, propagate, and die.

One of the aspects of a simulated reality that some may find troubling however, is that it’s far easier to simulate a reality with only one consciousness in it, than it is to simulate a reality with billions of consciousnesses in it. After all, if you only have one consciousness, than all you have to simulate at any one time is the environment being directly experienced by that consciousness. You don’t need to simulate anything else. So if reality is a simulation, then the odds are that you’re the only one in it.

Now to a lot of people this idea is quite troubling, because if they’re the only consciousness that actually exists, then none of their friends are real, and none of their loved ones are real. They find such a scenario to be truly abhorrent. To which I would simply reply, are you kidding me? You live in a reality where a young woman in India can be raped and killed by a gang on a bus. Where a pilot in Syria can be locked in a cage and burned alive. Where a child in Florida can be abducted, raped, and murdered. And you believe this to be superior to a reality in which the only one suffering is you. Be honest, which do you think a benevolent God would create, a physical reality in which billions suffer, or a simulated one in which the only one suffering is you?

Ah, but you claim that it’s our fault, and that it’ll be worth it in the end, for it’s only for a little while, and the righteous will live forever in heaven. But I say that the righteous can still live forever in heaven without anyone needing to suffer beyond what I myself suffer. If it would save one child from torment, then I would gladly be deceived for a little while. And I believe that a benevolent God could find a way to teach me compassion, and empathy, and love without making one person suffer to do it.

So I don’t dread the idea that reality may be a simulation. For it means that there’s a creator, and it means that there’s a purpose. It may not fit perfectly into some people’s conceptions of God, but why does God have to fit into what we conceive Him to be?
I think you are on the right track but need to create a lot more details and explanations before you can see around the next curve. I understand that you are throwing out ideas to see which will stick and hence will be able to bend a bit to get a better view of what might be ahead. Let me throw some ideas back at you.

First, your solipsism should be altered to reflect what can be observed scientifically. You point out that:
“*…When you look at the things around you, like your computer for example, you see a solid, substantial physical object. But through the course of history, evermore detailed examination has shown us that things aren’t nearly as solid and substantial as they appear to be. Your mind creates a sense of solidity out of a world that’s really quite ethereal. In fact it’s debatable as to the sense in which reality has any meaningful physical aspects at all. Whether you choose to believe that reality is made up of pointlike particles, or strings, or quantum fields, reality is at its simplest, quite immaterial.”
I understand that it is acceptable to interchange “material” and “physical”, but it would make a more precise discussion if you would agree to use the word “material” to refer to matter as is the usual usage but to use the word “physical” to refer any or all the four aspects of objective reality, namely, matter, energy, space, and time. It contrasts better with immaterial also referred to as “psychical”, “mental”(consciousness), or “spiritual” which you might agree are “non physical”.

Then instead of restricting a discussion to the reduction of matter to the immaterial we might find a way to reduce the “physical” (that also includes space, time, and energy) to the immaterial. There is a neat way to do this.

I avoid conflict with science by viewing reality at two levels, the explicate and the implicate. The implicate level is the ground of reality where God creates and sustains what we experience and science describes as the explicate level. In other words the true nature of reality isn’t what we think it is.

I don’t disagree with what you have written but it can be expanded greatly and in more depth.

Sorry for the delay in answering, my computer was down for two days while I had to resolve all the problems associated with upgrading to Windows 10.

Actually, when you consider the implications of reality as a hologram they’re exceedingly more positive than they are negative. For instance, if reality is a hologram then that implies that reality has a creator. And if reality has a creator, then reality most likely has a purpose. And that means that it would be far more desirable to be living in a simulated reality with a distinct purpose, than to be living in a naturally occurring reality with no discernible purpose at all, other than to live for a short while, propagate, and die.

One of the aspects of a simulated reality that some may find troubling however, is that it’s far easier to simulate a reality with only one consciousness in it, than it is to simulate a reality with billions of consciousnesses in it. After all, if you only have one consciousness, than all you have to simulate at any one time is the environment being directly experienced by that consciousness. You don’t need to simulate anything else. So if reality is a simulation, then the odds are that you’re the only one in it.

Now to a lot of people this idea is quite troubling, because if they’re the only consciousness that actually exists, then none of their friends are real, and none of their loved ones are real. They find such a scenario to be truly abhorrent. To which I would simply reply, are you kidding me? You live in a reality where a young woman in India can be raped and killed by a gang on a bus. Where a pilot in Syria can be locked in a cage and burned alive. Where a child in Florida can be abducted, raped, and murdered. And you believe this to be superior to a reality in which the only one suffering is you. Be honest, which do you think a benevolent God would create, a physical reality in which billions suffer, or a simulated one in which the only one suffering is you?

Ah, but you claim that it’s our fault, and that it’ll be worth it in the end, for it’s only for a little while, and the righteous will live forever in heaven. But I say that the righteous can still live forever in heaven without anyone needing to suffer beyond what I myself suffer. If it would save one child from torment, then I would gladly be deceived for a little while. And I believe that a benevolent God could find a way to teach me compassion, and empathy, and love without making one person suffer to do it.

So I don’t dread the idea that reality may be a simulation. For it means that there’s a creator, and it means that there’s a purpose. It may not fit perfectly into some people’s conceptions of God, but why does God have to fit into what we conceive Him to be?
That is a good point, I agree it would force people into believing there is a real creator and none of this just happened by chance…but I think majority of people would attribute this ‘holographic world’ to some super advanced extraterrestrial race rather than the God we worship.
I understand that it is acceptable to interchange “material” and “physical”, but it would make a more precise discussion if you would agree to use the word “material” to refer to matter as is the usual usage but to use the word “physical” to refer any or all the four aspects of objective reality, namely, matter, energy, space, and time.
You’re absolutely correct. I do have a tendency to use words interchangeably when there are actually subtle differences in meaning that can lead to confusion. It’s just that I find it to be more aesthetically pleasing to vary the phrasing within my posts, rather than to repeatedly use the same words. It’s an idiosyncrasy of mine and I try not to let it affect the meaning, but unfortunately there are times when it does.
I don’t disagree with what you have written but it can be expanded greatly and in more depth.
Again I agree, but I’m not sure that a forum is the best place to do that. My only hope with this thread is to get people to consider, at least for a brief moment, that reality may not be as objective as they believe it to be. If I can simply instill an infinitesimal spark of doubt, that’s enough. For that’s what epiphanies are born of. Rarely are people convinced by the efficacy of my arguments, but sometimes they can be disquieted by the uncertainty of their own.
That is a good point, I agree it would force people into believing there is a real creator and none of this just happened by chance…but I think majority of people would attribute this ‘holographic world’ to some super advanced extraterrestrial race rather than the God we worship.
Indeed they probably would, for such are the tendencies of men, to see what they choose to see. But the fact that others may see what isn’t there, doesn’t mean that we should deny what is. For to do the one, is equally as egregious as to do the other. Four hundred years ago the church denied the heliocentricity of the solar system, out of fear I suppose. Fear that it would diminish the standing of God. But our real fear isn’t that it will diminish our God, but that it will diminish our faith. If it will do so, then did we really have it in the first place?

If reality is a simulation then men will do what they have always done, they will see what they choose to see. But the question of a creator will no longer be “if”, but “who”.
Whilst not being able to see videos on my computer I think the main danger nowadays is not that people read too much into the data they think they have (as Dawkins and some Buddhists say), but that they don’t take account of the fact that misunderstanding the nature of the limitations of our faculties means that we aren’t grasping sufficient of what that data tells us, as new discoveries constantly demonstrate.

As for what is objective: the value of testimony shows that what is “subjective” can be objective (i.e it might not 100% be due to eating cheese before bedtime). All observation whether by “naked eye” or through sophisticated instruments, and whether expressed in “visual” format by charts or photographs, or in mathematical notation, or in auditory form by a spoken lecture in English or French, depends on symbolic value in the human central nervous system, in other words we ourselves are the medium of observing reality.

By shaming schoolchildren and telling them they are not worthy to think, are “we” covering up for when “we” haven’t bothered to use our brains enough, ourselves?

(I’m not talking about “proving God” particularly, but about physical and human geography, history and the like.)
This is a fascinating discussion, especially because I just read a book (yes, one book) which talks about Kant’s ideas. So I don’t know much. According to Kant, it is vital always to distinguish between the distinct realms of phenomena and noumena. Phenomena are the appearances, which constitute the our experience; noumena are the (presumed) things themselves, which constitute reality. All of our synthetic a priori judgments apply only to the phenomenal realm, not the noumenal.

he says we can know very little about true reality, although not nothing. We know there must be something there to give rise to the phenomena which we perceive through our senses.

As for reality being a hologram, it depends on your definition. A hologram is a recording of a light field. Our reality may be, but why postulate extra steps? It’s the universe as created by God; it’s not as real as the supernatural realm, but real enough.

Which means that this table, this computer, which seem solid enough to me, are really atoms and their contents whizzing around in large spaces, and the room, which seems quiet and empty, may be – probably is – full of angels and saintly witnesses.

I see no need to reinvent the wheel. If you believe the Bible, there is plenty of amazing stuff there to keep one’s mind occupied with the nature of reality for a lifetime.
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