“For instance, how many of you are aware of the red pill movement? A girl could really get herself into a heap of mess if she dates an adherent. They do such things as grade women by appearance (she’s a 7), advocate for spinning plates (trying out a bunch of girls), expect women to fit their “frame” (which suggests they don’t grow together with you, but expect you to follow them) etc…”
What is the Red Pill Movement exactly? Also, what do y’all think “fitting their ‘frame’” means? Quote from another user.
I don’t think anyone was challenging the fact of equal but different (the equality in men and women, but differences between masculinity and feminity.)
What is the Red Pill Movement exactly? Also, what do y’all think “fitting their ‘frame’” means? Quote from another user.
I don’t think anyone was challenging the fact of equal but different (the equality in men and women, but differences between masculinity and feminity.)