The Reproductive Health Act

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Andrew Cuomo and his minions have legalized the murder of babies. He actively fashioned a law that went WAY beyond a woman’s right to control her own body. If a pregnant woman is battered with the specific intent of killing her un-born baby, there can be no charges for that as the assailant is functioning as an abortionist and abortionists cannot be charged. There is no other way to describe his law as anything but Satanic. It is an immoral law aside from being anathema to the Catholic Doctrine. If the Church will not excommunicate the governor, I cannot see any point in being a Catholic. Between the sex scandals and this, the Church makes me feel shame, not joy. I’ve always felt that the Church was not the clergy or the administration or even the parishioners. It was the tradition through which I connected to God. But the people have corrupted the church to the point where it affects my relationship with God. I go to my son’s Methodist Church occasionally, and it’s great. I sense God when I go to Yoga. The Catholic Church is losing it’s value in my life.
Cuomo could have been “excommunicated” from public office, as governor or better, at earlier position, if Catholic and Protestant laity done the groundwork to elect prolife candidates. But not enough of us were willing to do the work.

So we blame the bishops.
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If the Church will not excommunicate the governor, I cannot see any point in being a Catholic.
She already has. He has been living with a mistress for years, and has not approached the Sacraments since entering that state of mortal sin.

If your sole reason for being a Catholic is for the Church to weaponize excommuncation against those you think deserve it, I don’t know how ‘Catholic’ you are.
Yes, the new law passed in NY is demonic and very evil. Concerning the Catholic Church, consider that Jesus Christ is its foundation, holiness, truth, and teaching and not us sinful and imperfect members of his mystical body which includes the hierarchy or clergy , the laity, religious and other consecrated people. “For no other foundation can any one lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11). Not all of us live up to our christian vocation and state in life and duties and we often fall and fail but Jesus is in control of his Church and as he says the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The Church throughout its history has gone through many tough times not a few involving the hierarchy but it is still here. The Church follows the way of the cross of its Lord until the consummation of Christ’s second coming. We can only do our part in the Mystical Body of Christ be it ever so little or not very glorious or known for whatever good we do even though they be seemingly insignificant actions benefits the whole mystical body of Christ including the whole human community, indeed, our actions whether they be good or evil have universal repurcussions, and leave the rest in the hands of Jesus.

St Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, said that Jesus has no need of our works but only of our love. Seemingly little or ordinary insignificant actions such as we encounter in our daily lives can amount to very significant actions beneficial for the whole Church when done through great charity or love of God and our neighbor. The Little Way of St Therese who is a doctor of the Church is sanctifying seemingly ‘ordinary’ actions of our daily life. She lived her short unknown life hidden away in a Carmelite monastery of nuns but has been declared Patroness of the Missions on a par with the great missionary St Francis Xavier, Patron of the Missions. Similarly, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave more glory to God threading a needle through her great charity and purity than did all the martyrs combined shedding their blood for Christ.
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If the Church will not excommunicate the governor, I cannot see any point in being a Catholic.
We seem to get these kinds of posts regularly.

“If the Church doesn’t do what I want/ what I think they should do, then there’s no point in my continuing to be a Catholic.”

Catholicism isn’t about what you think or what you want the Church to do. And if the only point of you being a Catholic is having a Church that does everything you want it to (or you’re just going to leave and find another church to attend), then you’ve kind of missed the point of why we’re Catholic.
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If I were foolish enough to, I’d create copy accounts just to like this comment more.
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If the Church will not excommunicate the governor, I cannot see any point in being a Catholic.
You should read this article by Dr. Edward Peters JCD, a man who is by no means a slouch when it comes to upholding Church doctrine. Excommunicating him for this is not as simple as you think, nor all what you may think it is. And if he doesn’t think it’s likely, then I’m inclined to believe him. Barring Cuomo from communion, however, is another matter entirely and very possible, and does not require excommunication.

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I go to my son’s Methodist Church occasionally, and it’s great. I sense God when I go to Yoga. The Catholic Church is losing it’s value in my life.
Welcome to Catholic Answers Forums. Anything else on your mind?
Causing an involuntary miscarriage, even by accident, is specified as a crime in the Bible, for which a fine must be paid.
General question - what qualifies someone to be excommunicated? Certainly excommunications have been done in the past, so someone had to qualify for it.

Jesus said - in so many words - “if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out, etc. etc. etc.” Isn’t this the rationale for excommunication? If your arm has gangrene, wouldn’t you cut it off in order to save the rest of the body?

If someone causes (and puts in place mechanisms to cause) great damage to the church and shows no desire to repent, would they qualify? Or is excommunication inherently impossible because someone might perceive it as “punishment.”
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