Greetings and blessings to you all! Before I get to the issue of the restoration of Sacred Music, I’d like to briefly introduce myself. I’m 19 and just entered into full communion with the Catholic Church this past Easter Season. This afternoon I was listening to Catholic Answers Live and head about the forums. Kudos to whoever thought of this! There are many good webforums for our Eastern Catholic brothers and sisters, but until now there hasn’t really been a “hangout” for Latin Catholics. Yay! Anyway…
Next to being Catholic, I consider myself first and foremost to be a musician. I was brought up a Lutheran and received an excellent musical education from various organists/teachers, and I am extremely thankful that I have had the opportunity to play at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes in Spokane, WA since my reception into the Church. Even as a Lutheran, I was familiar with Western Chant (Gregorian and Ambrosian, specifically) and some schools of Eastern Chant (Byzantine, Moscow, and Ruthenian) as well as Renaissance polyphony. I was always a little saddened that I could not impliment those elements into the Lutheran liturgical services. My girlfriend is a member of the Gregorian Schola at Gonzaga University. The Schola and Jesuits there put on (not the best wording…) a very reverent Novus Ordo, with the Ordinaries chanted in Latin and the Propers chanted in English following Gregorian formulas. Suffice it to say that the Holy Spirit used music that I knew to be penned by God himself --even before my conversion-- to bring me into full communion with Christ and His Church.
I returned home from college the other day, and I have quickly realized that the liturgical honeymoon is over. I’ve been appointed organist at a parish that has nothing but OCP missalettes and “Music Issues” available for use and a guitar-slinging music director from the late 70’s… This parish is perhaps the largest in the diocese, and has considerable influence in the surrounding community. The theology preached there is orthodox, and members of the congregation seem to be engaged in works of mercy 24 hours a day. All things considered, a wonderfully Catholic parish. Yet the music program is horrible… You’re probably all aware of the illegal monopoly and icy grip that OCP and folks like Marty Haugen (not even Catholic!) and Dan Schutte hold over our parishes. I really do feel that the profane music being promulgated by these “composers” and this publishing house are designed to undermine our faith.
Pope St. Pius X certainly recognized the importance of Sacred Music. Just read the encyclical “Tra le sollecitudini” (Among the Concerns). A Papal encyclical, devoted entirely to Sacred Music!!! Consider the following excerpt: (posted in the next post due to character limit)
Somehow, people are under the impression that Vatican II abrogated just about everything that Pius X decreed, including the primacy of Gregorian Chant in the Latin Liturgy, and the banning of profane instruments/musical styles. It didn’t! Sacrosanctum Concilium most explicitly reaffirms the dignity of Sacred Music and the primacy of Gregorian Chant in the liturgy. Yet it seems to have completely disappered from the average parish church. Our Holy Father, on the 100th Anniversary of Tra Le Sollecitudini, issued his own statement regarding the corruption of Sacred Music!!! This is a frightening issue, and I feel that the restoration of Sacred Music will put a swift end to the liturgical abuses facing the post conciliar Church. I cannot directly change a person’s mind, but I can influence how he feels before, during, and after Mass by the music I select to be performed, and by the music I perform myself on the organ. Eventually, people cannot help but be moved by this stuff… How do we go about rescuing the musical tradition of the Latin Rite? I really don’t know… I think I’m going to hold classes throughout the summer to teach people the basic Gregorian ordinaries and to explain what Vatican II and previous councils had to say about Sacred Music. Sound like a good idea? Anyone in the same boat? Or am I just a lone voice crying in the wilderness?
Next to being Catholic, I consider myself first and foremost to be a musician. I was brought up a Lutheran and received an excellent musical education from various organists/teachers, and I am extremely thankful that I have had the opportunity to play at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes in Spokane, WA since my reception into the Church. Even as a Lutheran, I was familiar with Western Chant (Gregorian and Ambrosian, specifically) and some schools of Eastern Chant (Byzantine, Moscow, and Ruthenian) as well as Renaissance polyphony. I was always a little saddened that I could not impliment those elements into the Lutheran liturgical services. My girlfriend is a member of the Gregorian Schola at Gonzaga University. The Schola and Jesuits there put on (not the best wording…) a very reverent Novus Ordo, with the Ordinaries chanted in Latin and the Propers chanted in English following Gregorian formulas. Suffice it to say that the Holy Spirit used music that I knew to be penned by God himself --even before my conversion-- to bring me into full communion with Christ and His Church.
I returned home from college the other day, and I have quickly realized that the liturgical honeymoon is over. I’ve been appointed organist at a parish that has nothing but OCP missalettes and “Music Issues” available for use and a guitar-slinging music director from the late 70’s… This parish is perhaps the largest in the diocese, and has considerable influence in the surrounding community. The theology preached there is orthodox, and members of the congregation seem to be engaged in works of mercy 24 hours a day. All things considered, a wonderfully Catholic parish. Yet the music program is horrible… You’re probably all aware of the illegal monopoly and icy grip that OCP and folks like Marty Haugen (not even Catholic!) and Dan Schutte hold over our parishes. I really do feel that the profane music being promulgated by these “composers” and this publishing house are designed to undermine our faith.
Pope St. Pius X certainly recognized the importance of Sacred Music. Just read the encyclical “Tra le sollecitudini” (Among the Concerns). A Papal encyclical, devoted entirely to Sacred Music!!! Consider the following excerpt: (posted in the next post due to character limit)
Somehow, people are under the impression that Vatican II abrogated just about everything that Pius X decreed, including the primacy of Gregorian Chant in the Latin Liturgy, and the banning of profane instruments/musical styles. It didn’t! Sacrosanctum Concilium most explicitly reaffirms the dignity of Sacred Music and the primacy of Gregorian Chant in the liturgy. Yet it seems to have completely disappered from the average parish church. Our Holy Father, on the 100th Anniversary of Tra Le Sollecitudini, issued his own statement regarding the corruption of Sacred Music!!! This is a frightening issue, and I feel that the restoration of Sacred Music will put a swift end to the liturgical abuses facing the post conciliar Church. I cannot directly change a person’s mind, but I can influence how he feels before, during, and after Mass by the music I select to be performed, and by the music I perform myself on the organ. Eventually, people cannot help but be moved by this stuff… How do we go about rescuing the musical tradition of the Latin Rite? I really don’t know… I think I’m going to hold classes throughout the summer to teach people the basic Gregorian ordinaries and to explain what Vatican II and previous councils had to say about Sacred Music. Sound like a good idea? Anyone in the same boat? Or am I just a lone voice crying in the wilderness?