The right Bible for Catholics?

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Hey everyone…I am new around here. I am starting RCIA next month in my quest to convert to Catholicism…I am really excited and looking forward to it. My question to all of you, is which version of the Bible is most widely read and accepted by most Catholics as the definitive version? I have the NAV version, and I have been told that the NAV is the most popular version among Catholics. I have also been told that the NRSV/CE is a good one as well. What are your opinions…I hope this question doesn’t sound stupid, but I am new to Catholicism and I just want to make sure I am reading from the right version. Thanks in advance. Sonny
If by NAV, you mean the New American Bible, then yes that one is fine because it’ll be what you’ll hear at Mass. I would want to stay away from the CE, I think it’s a little too non-literal. The NRSV is ok, but if you can get a Catholic RSV (note the missing N) from Ignatius Press, go for it. It would work well as a complement with the New American.

And welcome to the Church! 🙂
I would go with the Revised Standard Version–Catholic Edition for its accuracy. The original New American Bible is okay but has some problem notes. The inclusive language version is terrible and should be avoided. The Douay-Rheims is still a reliable translation, if you can handle the somewhat archaic language.
Since you’ll probably be using the NAB during RCIA, you should consider getting a copy. My personal preference is the RSV-CE, but when I lead a liturgical Bible study, I use the NAB because that is what most of the participants will have and that is where the Mass readings come from in almost all parishes.There is nothing wrong with the Douay, but I personally find it hard to read.

If it were me, I’d get a “nice” edition of the RSV-CE for personal devotion (it is more accurate as well as more beautifully phrased than the NAB, IMHO), and get an inexpensive paperback edition of the NAB for group study. As Providence would have it, there is a good article elsewhere on this site called “Bible Translation Guide”:

By the way, welcome to the family! 🙂
I like the RSV and am ok with the NAB, but wow do I love the Jerusalem BIble! Not the NEW one, but the original put out in 1966, just got one last week and I see why Mother Angelica has loved it so long. You can’t get a new one, but you can find them on the auctions,I got mine from a seller on ebay for $10 and maybe like 4 for shipping. Wonderful notes and links in it, can’t say enough about it-I’m a convert of 15 years and used them all at one time in my walk-love the Jerusalem! There is a “readers version” of it but it has no notes and links.Don’t try the New one from the 80’s since it is inclusive language…😦
Barry, you can purchase new copies of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible. It is now availible on EWTN’s Religious Catalog, it has both the old and new testaments, and you can buy it with the cover that is on Mother Angelica’s. The EWTN Religious Catalog is a fantastic place to buy Bibles, you can be sure they are proper to the faith and practice of our Holy Mother Church. I bought one a couple of months ago and I love it, the print is a little small but thats o.k., by the way did you know that the copy that Mother A. used is a “new testament” only. That version is still out of print, though I am hopeful that on day we will be able to purchase it in the two seperate books once again. That way they could print it in a larger type face.

Linda H.
I like the NAB, have used others and am currently using the Douay-Rheims compiled by Rev. Fr. George Haydock…excellent commentary…🙂
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