The Root of All Evil

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Presented by famous evolutionist scientist Richard Dawkins and examining religion (all the main ones), this promises to be worth a watch…

"WHEN it comes to the question of its own existence, humanity is roughly divided between three possible answers: “Creation.” “Evolution.” Or, “Don’t know.” In competing for the largest possible audience share, television networks now generally cater to viewers whose beliefs fall into each of those categories, while trying not to alienate any of them. Which makes programmes such as The Root Of All Evil? so rare as to seem almost revolutionary. This new two-part documentary, which begins on Channel 4 tomorrow, asserts that there is no safe or defensible middle ground between science and religion, its thesis being that even the moderate followers of Islam, Judaism and Christianity are deluded, defective and potentially dangerous.

Dawkins describes all religious faith as “a process of non-thinking”, although he seems to have been particularly fired up by the current fusion of free market forces, neo- conservatism and Christianity in the United States, which he equates with the Taliban in its insidiousness. “In Britian, religion is slowly dying the death it deserves. America is very different, a country in the grip of a lunatic religious mania.”

“And as far as atheists go, I am preaching to the choir. But I think a fairly substantial number of people haven’t really given it a lot of thought, and only vaguely think of themselves as Christian. This programme just might open some eyes to the fact that you don’t have to believe this stuff, that it’s OK to be an atheist. It’s a bit like being gay 30 years ago, when it was necessary to consciously come out of the closet. I’m hoping that I may sway people in that middle category, who might be shaken into thinking about it.”
As far as being a scientist, Dawkins doesn’t seem very scholarly. He makes a lot of unsubstantiated comparisons intended to provoke people of all faiths. How is comparing some minister to Goebbels a scientific fact? He just uses inflammatory language and gets footage of people at their worst. This is sensationalism, not science. If he wanted to really prove his points, he’d sit down with the best and brightest Christian apologists and argue with them from a logical and scientifically factual standpoint. The fact that he doesn’t shows you he’s not operating out of rational thought, but deep-seated anger and a need to prove himself right by tearing others down. The fact is, though, everyone in the world could become an atheist, and it wouldn’t make him right. That’s probably why he’s such a bully; his ego can’t take it. Pray for him. 😦
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