My 10 year old son demanded today “Mom, is Santa real, or have you and Dad been lying to us all this time?” After wrestling with that question, I looked at him directly and confessed the truth. He asked why so many parents lied to their children about Santa. I joked about the world economy crashing if Santa were to disappear. He knew I was joking, but his question made total sense to me. I was ashamed for perpetuating a lie that got harder every year to maintain. I told my son I was proud of him for demanding honesty, and that perhaps he would bring the world back to Jesus, and away from the materialism celebrated every Dec. 25th.
What are your thoughts: has the whole Santa / Easter Bunny thing really become a subversive way of taking the glory away from Jesus?
I’m trying not to blow this out of proportion, but should we start a revolution to replace Santa with Jesus by telling the truth to all our children?
I told the truth tonight, I am relieved, and my kids actually lived thru it. Now we can celebrate Christmas and Easter like we always do, but it will be Jesus’ birthday and resurrection, without the big guy in red or the fluffy bunny.
What are your thoughts: has the whole Santa / Easter Bunny thing really become a subversive way of taking the glory away from Jesus?
I’m trying not to blow this out of proportion, but should we start a revolution to replace Santa with Jesus by telling the truth to all our children?
I told the truth tonight, I am relieved, and my kids actually lived thru it. Now we can celebrate Christmas and Easter like we always do, but it will be Jesus’ birthday and resurrection, without the big guy in red or the fluffy bunny.