The seat of the Reformation

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Not sure if this is the right place to post this…
I thought you’d get a kick out of it 😛

German archaeologists have discovered the lavatory on which Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses that launched the Protestant Reformation.

Luther frequently alluded to the fact that he suffered from chronic constipation and that he spent much of his time in contemplation on the lavatory.

Source HERE
It is well documented that martin invented many of his greatest opinions whilst sitting on his throne in his throne room.

When will we find this privy on EBAY?😉
Advance warning - We have already pulled two threads on this subject due to numerous scatalogical references.

Please behave so I don’t have to pull this one too…

Paul Stephens
I think the title of the thread is hilarious. That is a good way to put it.😃
Funny you say that… My history teacher mentioned that when we were learning about the Reformation. He said it was incorrect for Martin Luther to say “Here I Stand” because he composed many of his ideas on the bowl. I wonder how he managed to sit through a trial then with the German Princes present. Hmm…
Funny you say that… My history teacher mentioned that when we were learning about the Reformation. He said it was incorrect for Martin Luther to say “Here I Stand” because he composed many of his ideas on the bowl. I wonder how he managed to sit through a trial then with the German Princes present. Hmm…

OTOH, St. Thomas Aquinas was a stout person - so people’s bopwel problems, or their girth, cannot really be used as arguments against their theology.​

maybe this belongs on family life but, moms, am I right, sometimes the only quiet time alone you get to think is in the throne room. for years I kept a little daily devotional pamphlet in the basket with the washclothes and had my little private prayer time alone there with the door locked. so don’t knock it.
OK, I is not well learned so I hads to look em up.

From meriam-webster:

“Main Entry: sca·tol·o·gy [](javascript:popWin(’/cgi-bin/’))
Pronunciation: ska-'tä-l&-jE, sk&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek *skat-, skOr *excrement; akin to Old English *scearn dung, Latin muscerdae *mouse droppings
1 : interest in or treatment of obscene matters especially in literature
2 : the biologically oriented study of excrement (as for taxonomic purposes or for the determination of diet)”

Now I hopes ya’ll is as lerned as I is two now!🤓
Why is this such an issue?

The idea that Luther came to his insight re: Sola Fide while in the cloaca is an old one, but it has never really been substantiated.

All these researchers have found is a really old toity…the conjecture that Luther may have been pinching a loaf in it when he realized Hab 2:4 is just exactly that…it’s not like they have done DNA comparisons…

Does anyone know if this story is really true, or is it some kind of urban legend that a few news wires picked up as a joke? Seems almost too weird to be true.
This is a well documented event that Luther admitted himself. The Facts About Luther is one book that lists numerous other sources about Luther too. It’s an issue only because its so funny. I admit, Einstien could have inveted his theories in the privy as well. Of course he never bragged about it like good’ole Martin often did.

I have to admit here I did make a typo by accident on another thread. I did not do it on purpose and it was only later I noticed it.

Post #49 on this thread:

It really was an accident but perhaps it was divine inspiration too and the Holy Spirit guided my errant finger to the “a” intead of the “o” which was the correct vowel? I only noticed the error after reading the word later. Here is part of that post:

"…Transubstantiation = Catholic Faith. Bread and wine become Body and Blood but only apear in their old form. Kinda like mixing yeast, flour, sugar, butter and water and then becoming bread, something new but still appearing as the old but can never be seperated out.


Consubstantiation = Luthers opinion. Bread and ‘wine’(grape juice?) stay bread and wine and Jesus just goes into it for a while but does not replace it. Like mixing oil and water. They never combine and become one and then can be seperated again

…I know Luther invented ‘faith alone’ while in the privy, did he invent ‘cansubstantiation’ there as well?"

Sorry, but it is funny.:rotfl:
I recently read H.W. Crocker III’s excellent book Triumph: The power and the glory of the Catholic Church, and he had this to say on Luther:
[Luther] had visions, which he believed to be actual physical occurences, of the devil hurling “s***” at him and his hurling it back. Indeed, in one of his many anal combats of the devil-in which Luther would challenge the devil to “lick” his posterior- Luther thought the best tactic might be to “throw him into my anus, where he belongs.” How one wishes for an exegesis by Sigmund Freud of that passage.
Crocker’s book is, academically and polemically speaking, the historical equivalent of a Jack T. Chick tract…

It’s about 50% history, 50% revisionism, and 100% propaganda.

I can say this because I’ve read it and I’ve compared it to REAL history books…
:This is a well documented event that Luther admitted himself. :

No, actually it is no such thing. It’s based on a very tendentious reading of one passage in which Luther referred to getting his insight (not the 95 Theses, by the way) “auf dem Cl.” Some have speculated that “cl” means “cloaca,” which is Latin for privy or sewer. However, this makes no sense grammatically. “Cloaca” is feminine, and “dem” is either maculine or neuter.

I know that it’s confidently claimed all over the place, often by scholars who should know better, that Luther got his “breakthrough” on the toilet. The image is almost irresistible. But the basis for it is one ungrammatical interpretation of an abbreviation in one passage (I think from the Table Talk, which use this bizarre blend of German and Latin).

In Christ,

What I want to know is:

Was it snow covered? 😃
No wonder to his constant reference to humans as dung:rotfl:

I mean this was constantly on his mind no wonder this sewage
seeped into his thelogy.

Speak for yourself Marty
Here I sit as Dung!😛
Actually, I thought Jack Chick tracts were 5% truth, 95% baloney and 100% hot air…😃
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